Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Recall All Done

I was supposed to take the Dodge in today for a computer recall. Jim ended up doing it instead, meaning, all the chores are done and I'll be heading to the studio as soon as I get done blogging.

Gwens second quilt is finished and she's coming tomorrow to pick both of hers up... 

Can you even see it?
It's a baptist fan with a heart in the middle. That's what happens when you use matching thread.

I'll be working on Rae's quilt all day. And not easily. She chose wool batting for this quilt, which isn't the problem. The problem is that Hobbs wool batting seems to be inconsistent with its lofts and there is a point in the quilt where the loft is really, really lofty, causing ruler problems for me. 

I need to contact my supplier and ask if anybody else has mentioned anything about this.

After working Gwens quilt yesterday, and starting Rae's second quilt, I didn't get anything else done. Jim and I ran to Bay City/Essexville to pick up the wood for the closet shelves right after he got home from work. We diddled around there for a bit and then took the back roads home.

It was a beautiful day yesterday and we enjoyed being out and about a little bit. 

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Applique Sunday

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