Monday, June 3, 2024

[Not so] Small Projects

Saturday was spent on the roof. Which was fine in the morning before the sun came out. And then it got hot. Here I am "fixing" the damage we did to the existing house when we tore off the siding to join the two structures...

Trying not to burn my feet
See the grey siding void in that triangle to the left? That needed to be fixed. Which we did. Then we proceeded to get the rest of the roof done (what we could with what supplies we had) over the porch. Still waiting on the metal. 

I did manage to get a little fun time in the studio. Saturday, I started on Foster with the Dream Big panel until Jim needed my help outside. Friday night and Sunday morning I made thread baskets; one for Foster and one for Jay. 
This was supposed to be for Jay
I ended up putting this one between Mike and Ellie because it's bigger than the one that was there. I moved the yellow one over to Jays table.

Fosters thread basket
Since this was his "initial" stitch quilt, I repurposed his sandwich into his own thread basket.

Yeah, that's about all I got done this weekend. Jim planted his garden yesterday and I planted a few perennial plants (Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, and Lemon Grass) into a bowl and put it outside the new studio door hoping to keep mosquitos from coming in. Yeah, right.

I actually had a customer come last night. Yep, Sunday night. She was in the area and wanted to pick up her quilt. We weren't doing anything earth shattering so I said it would be okay. She brought her grandson and he loved the girls. 

Today I have to return and few phone calls before getting onto DW. I'll be working/finishing Linda's second quilt. Don't know if I'll be loading her third because that's one of the phone calls I have to make to clarify motif placement. Don't know if she'll pick up or not. She tried calling yesterday. I'm not sure what about "I'm closed on Sunday" people aren't getting lately? 

As much as my life is about quilting, sometimes it just isn't. <Gasp>. I need the time to just take a break so I don't burn out and resent my passion. I want to continue to love, love, love what I do, ya know? 

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