Friday, October 15, 2021

A Binding Day

Errands needed to be done this morning and now I'm back home. Penny's binding needs to be made and attached to her quilt and I have zoology to bind as well. Not sure how I'm going to bind that one yet. 

One of the errands I needed to accomplish this morning was to stop by Pieces to say hello and see what's going on with their move. Jim called ahead and told them I was on my way and I was met with a hug, a happy birthday, a kiss, and a swat on the butt. Those girls are so great!

Here's what Jim also called ahead for...

Jim knew my stash is/was lacking in both purples and oranges so the girls made up this fat quarter bundle for me!

The Color Outside the Lines top is done. I want to put it on the frame but have customer quilts waiting so have to wait on that for a bit. 

I have pulled off a few coloring pages for the art quilt class I'm tentatively supposed to teach next year and need to make a few examples since all my other art quilts are at their permanent homes. I need to get some sketches done of Hazel first (thank you Ben for helping out with the layering option on my Sketches program) and even if I don't teach the class, having an art piece of her face is on my bucket list of things to do. 

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