Friday, October 22, 2021

What a Great Day to Long Arm

Three weather situations make a perfect long arming day: Rain, wind, and cold temps. Yesterday was very productive. 

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Wait...I've seen this before!
The identical panel was done for Pieces of Thyme a while back and Terri, from the Quirky Quilters Quilt Guild bought the last panel from them a week or two ago. I was waiting to hear back from another customer and threw this on to amuse me for a few days. 

And friends like to visit when you're quilting...

A lost Asian Lady Beetle wanting to join me
We got rid of that right quick!

After working on Terri's quilt top for about eight hours and got to my first roll, I decided to call it a long arming night and went to work on Hazel.

Hazel...aka Floof!

I don't have any fabric medium to apply to this piece, and I'm thinking I may not since it's just an example for future classes. I'll trim it up tonight and get some kind of border put on it; I'm thinking a picture frame kind of border maybe?

I was going to run to Pieces today to donate some cleaned-out fabric from the studio, but Jim loves to chat with the girls and I know he'd probably like to tag along so I will wait until tomorrow to go there. I'll chip away some more on Terri's top all day dancing to my music and admiring the beautiful fall colors the have suddenly decided to show themselves out my windows. 

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