Well, in my world every day is a Saturday. Or a Monday, depending on how the day is going. 😀
Sally's quilt was completed and this is what's on the frame this morning...
Linda's SIL memory quilt-complete with pockets |
I may or may not work this today. I'll see where the morning goes. Prior to loading this top I hopped on over the Pieces to get the fabric for my new (365) project. Once Linda's quilt was loaded (work before play), cutting began.
Here's kind of where I'm going with this...
New Project |
I was nervous about starting this because I've gotten kind of rusty with my sit-down skills. And, I'm doing these dark colors in white thread! I mean, if I can put it on my long arm, I'm certainly going to, so sit-down skills have waned a bit. This is going to provide me with skill building, new motifs to put into customer quilts (because if I can do it on the sit-down, long arming is a piece of cake), and something other than building yet another quilt top I probably don't need to add to my already huge pile of flimsies.
I took a deep breath and jumped right in once the first quadrant was pieced, backing was cut, batting was found, and the sandwich was made. Here's the first five blocks...
Just getting started |
I'm not going to use JUST Leah Day's book. I have another book that Natalia Bonner published with another set of 365 blocks. The difference is free motion work (Leah) versus ruler work (Natalia).
Natalia's book |
If I feel like I don't want to incorporate something from Leah's book, I'll put a motif in from Natalia's book. I've already installed the ruler foot onto my sit-down, so bouncing between the two isn't going to be a problem. I hope. I've never used rulers on the sit-down so this should be fun (or interesting, or absolutely maddening).