Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Another Top

And here it is complete.

Blue Plate Special
This is going to be fun to quilt!

I started working on the binding afterwards for the two baby quilts finished a few weeks ago. Started is the key word in all of that.

Moms endoscopy yesterday went well. Didn't get home until mid-afternoon so just started piecing instead of any long arming.

Nick, from our And I Quilt campaign for HQ sent a stitch count call out...

56 million +
He's at 62+ million. Guess I better get my arse in gear and get a move on. The yard crap and all that happy stuff had me busy a portion of my quilting summer. That's my excuse because I really don't know what else put me so far behind him (we were near equal about six months ago). 

While I was piecing the Blue Plate Special I heard a lawn mower and assumed it was the commercial mowers across the lake getting ready for the Labor Day weekend ahead. Then I looked down at the lake (as I do about a 100 times a day) and saw a head moving.

Can you see Jim?
Not sure how he managed to get the rider down to the beach, but there he was, mowing our weeds off, in all of his glory.

Today I MUST finish long arming Jodi's top and get these two baby quilts finished. Beyond that, I just never know. There are a few patterns to work in the bin and I'll see what mood strikes me once the day progresses further. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Early Morning

Have already been up for a while. Mom needs an endoscopy procedure this morning in Midland and I'm the chosen one to take her. Appointment is at 10:30 so I have to hustle out of here soon to get her there.

It was too hot again to do much outside yesterday so worked on the hamburger top for most of the afternoon. Here's where I left off...


After getting her home later today I plan on long arming for a little bit; and then more hamburger. The temps seemed to have abated over the night last night and I look forward to opening some studio windows to let in some fresh air. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Basically Gone All Day

We enjoyed a nice day together running errands, getting ice cream, pricing deck sealer, getting a new cutting mat for the studio. 

Once we got home to eat and then watch a movie, I started something here in the studio. Here's what I got done on the Burger top...

The drink portion
This doesn't look as big in the pic as it really is. I finished at about 21"x27" and was pretty fun to put together. Once again, I'm sewing slowly and taking my time with this. And, decided to try a new method of "pinning" to make the seams behave. I'm using small dots of glue where I would normally pin and I think I'm in love. SO MUCH EASIER!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning we have a quick errand to run and then will be home the remainder of the day. The neighbors two doors down are here to prepare for next weekend (big party coming up) and we may end up over there later today if the heat ever subsides a little bit. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Staying Inside While It's Cooking Out

Since staying inside is preferred I have gotten a LOT accomplished in the last 24 hours. Here's what's on the frame right now.

Deb K's 50th Anniversary top
I ended up getting about half of this quilted before stopping for the day. Mickey came and picked up her two quilts in the later morning and then another customer came and picked up three quilts late in the evening on her way to the lake last night. 

While working on Debs top, which I'm driving, here's a high tech invention I came up with to make sure I don't nail the belly bar while working away...

Clothespin and Yarn
The Ragg quilt is now a top and only needs to have all the seams trimmed. While tidying the studio I was also looking for a a new project to start. I found a tub of purchased patterns and some fabric and had a decision to make...

Which One?
The decision was to start the fast food one in the foreground since I can make that with mostly scraps from around the studio. And, since the doctor has me on a low fat/zero fried food diet, I can live vicariously through my fabric on foods I love but can no longer have. 

Today I'm running to Pieces for a background fabric for another project I found in the studio (will share later) I would like to tackle sometime this winter. And...she's having a wide-back sale throughout the month of August and since August is almost over I better go over there to take advantage of the seven or so I'm in need of. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Piecing WIP#3 on the Wall

While letting DW quilt Sharon's second quilt top, I dug into the bin and unearthed piecing WIP #3. It's a Ragg Quilt with only half the blocks made. I scrounged around into the flannel tubs and found a few more fabric patterns that would fit into the muted autumn colors theme and started cutting. 

As Sharon's quilt was finishing, all the flannel pieces were cut and I then moved on to the batting. Thank goodness I have all sorts of batting scraps available for use. 

By the time Sharon's quilt finished stitching out I had those cut and I was ready to start putting them together. 

Here's what I got on the wall before 8:00 last night...

WIP #3
There is one more row on the floor I couldn't get into the pic. 

I need to remove Sharon's quilt this morning and get it trimmed up before loading the next one. Jim mentioned going to an estate sale today so after Mickey comes to get her two quilts, we may scoot over there for a bit. 

But my new customer, Deb K. will have her top loaded before the day ends. I may even start it since she already knew what she wanted to have put into it and it's easily started and stopped as time permits. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Too Hot!

We're cold weather people. When we have temps and humidity duplicating Georgia, it's too darn hot to be out doing much of anything but sweat. I took advantage of staying indoors all afternoon by completing the Scrap Happy top. I finished Sharon's first quilt and loaded her second.

Sharon's second top
We had a storm starting to roll in after I got her top loaded and received a customer. DW does not get turned on when there's lightning flying around all over the place so dug into the bin to retrieve this second piecing WIP.
The second WIP from the bin: Soothing Log Cabin

This is now a top. During the storm I was determined to get this pieced together. The pic does not do it justice (making it look like something out of the 1980's). Heres a close up of one of the blocks. 

More like the real colors in the top

Today I'll be free motion quilting Sharon's second top and mom is coming over for a visit. It's supposed to be on again, off again rain and hot today so I will just plan on staying indoors for the day. Not to mention I have bug bites everywhere and I'm pretty sick of scratching. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

More Boat Saga

I know, I know. Boat saga has nothing to do with quilting. But, alas, it does. Because when neighbors we hardly see (anymore) come up to "play" with us, we take advantage. I don't get much done in the way of studio work, but I'm getting a whole lot of memories out of it. 

Before taking advantage of the time with neighbors, I did manage to get one of those WIPs worked on and completed quilting Sharon's first quilt. The pic does not have all the rows in it because my design wall isn't that big. 

One of three found WIPs in the retreat bin

We took Rows out again last night. We had a fair amount of difficulty getting her started and had to partially recharge the battery at one point to just get her out on the lake. Everything was going well. It was near sunset and after turning around at the dam and heading back home, the motor shuddered, coughed, and then just died. 

We carry a trolling motor on Rows for just such a possible situation. However, the battery, not being optimally charged, was already compromised. Our trolling motor wasn't breaking any speed records (I could probably swim faster than it was propelling us towards home) and it was taking a toll on the already low battery. We weren't going to make it home before a) the battery died, and b) it got dark. We have no driving lights on the boat and even if we did, that takes battery power as well. 

We had to put in at a friends' house and they ended up bringing us home via car. Rows is still moored at their house this morning and Jim and Mike are going over shortly to try to get her back home, but this makes me cautious about her motor soundness. 

I have a customer coming today around noon-thirty and I have Sharons quilt to get off, trim and load her second one on. I'm am bug bit all over (messing around on our lake bank which is nothing more than brackish waters) and it's supposed to be a hot one today. Once the neighbors leave later I'm going to want to keep in here to get my azimuth pointed back in the right direction. But we'll be talking about our Rows adventures for years to come. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Happy Lake!

The "lake" still isn't really a lake in the sense of where it should be. We are still recovering from the flood last year and until the dams are rebuilt (we're told 2024) we have a smaller version of normalcy. But when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

Here we are on our beater pontoon specifically purchased to traverse the "lake" until the real lake returns.

Kathy (in white), me, Jim (watching for stumps) and Mike at the helm.
It's not the Bennington pontoon we're used to, but beaters are better than watching the water from the shore. 

I did manage to get a few of the sashing strips on the spools before we headed out on the boat and only have the side borders to add today at some point. Or not. The neighbors are still here today and you never know what kind of mischief we all get into when we're together. 

Sharon's quilt is on the frame and I need to get some stitches in it at some point. However, maybe not today????

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Not Mine, But Beautiful

Yesterday was spent with friends downstate catching up on almost two years worth of life. It was wonderful and I didn't realize how much I missed them until I headed back home. By myself. Not knowing when I'd see them again. 

Barb hasn't had the greatest luck with her health but she did manage to get this beautiful top put together for a upcoming family wedding...

Barbs beautiful quilt top
I won't be quilting this one since she lives 2 1/2 hours away, but I admire the work done on this wonderful gift she'll be giving away.

A slow start today since I didn't hardly sleep the night before (too excited) and it was a late night for both Jim and me since he was down at his class reunion catching up on the last 40 years. 

And here's some not so stellar news. While looking for all my sew-in supplies throughout the house Friday night, we stumbled across three more piecing WIP's I was completely unaware of. I did manage to get the spools laid out and partially assembled yesterday with the girls. Maybe today, before our neighbors arrive, I can work on those for a little bit and see whether I can get a top together, because apparently I have three more projects to build and finish. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

Do You Like Air Conditioning?

Jim was canning yesterday and the sun was shining and the humidity was getting up there. The A/C was cranking, to say the least, and I found myself going outside just to thaw every once in a while. I appreciate central air...to a degree. When my feet are like ice cubes, well then, not so much.

Here's what I have on the frame this morning...

Sharon's Not So Halloween Cats
The two baby quilts were completed by mid-afternoon and I immediately loaded this one on without even building the binding for the other two. This is a Colette no-no and it's already bugging me they are just sitting there begging for me to complete them. 

But Jim has (another) doctor appointment this early afternoon and we need to get groceries afterwards. Maybe Sharon's top will get started once we get all that done today? We discussed putting spider webs throughout and I think this would look really cool especially if we can get a few spiders in there with the webs. 

Four more spools were completed last night and I have cut out for six today. That leaves four more to do after those are completed to make the required blocks I'm going for. I want to get those four cut out tonight before going down to Charlotte for sew-in day tomorrow. 

IF that happens. Katie is not feeling very well (seems I'm not supposed to go anywhere this weekend since our trip to Cincinnati was also cancelled due to illness). None of these are virus related but rather both are located in the lower abdominal region. Weird, huh? 

Thursday, August 19, 2021


I have the privilege of having a rather large studio, yet I always find myself shuffling stuff around to work on other stuff. Like the design wall. I have a BOM in the upper left-hand corner, spool blocks in the top one half, and the two baby quilt tops on the lower half. 

I had to move the baby tops away to make room for last nights spools and while I'm measuring/building their backs I'm having to constantly put them in other places because I need THAT space right now. I wonder how much time is spent in here shuffling stuff around? But I am thankful for the space I do have because I know there are many (many, many) others who have a lot less. 

However, this is also a business, not just hobby work I'm performing out here, and for a business space, it is way smaller than many. This is called 'making what you've got work' which you do when you love something as much as I do. 

Here's what I have on the frame all ready to go this morning...

The first of two baby tops to quilt today
Yes! I have customer quilt tops to work on. Yes! This is my own top. But it won't take long to slip these two in. Before I quit working for the day, I should have Sharon's top loaded and basted in ready to go for tomorrow. 

I'm up to 16 spools so far and the pattern calls for 20. I'm going to actually make 30 because I'm not going to sash in between each spool like the pattern indicates doing. So there! I'll take these along to sew-in Saturday to either finish making or to get them laid out for assembly. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Repeat Monday

Today will be a basic repeat of yesterday: Working on Tina's quilt top on the long arm. Working on spools for my new top. Yep, that's about it. 

Our trip to Cincinnati was postponed to September for a reason we can not control. This means, as Katie reminded me, that I can take a day trip down to Charlotte and go sew with Katie, and any other guild members of the club that show up at the library. I am so excited to be able to go and sew with friends and talk about quilts and work in a girl-friendly environment. 

I'm feeling a little blue today. Probably because Jim read a post about another friend of mine who was with her entire family at Tiger Stadium yesterday. The only places I get to go to are around our immediate area. Or Jim's doctors appointments. Whooppee (she says sarcastically). 

Jim's idea of "fun" is taking a 45 minute buggy ride around the neighborhood. Sitting on the deck. Taking naps. SO NOT my idea of fun. Buggy rides are okay but the thing is noisy and smells gassy. I don't care to sit for long periods of time and I DO NOT nap (I feel worse when I awake). So this trip Saturday is most welcome and needed for my mental sanity I think. 

I haven't posted a pic of Hazel in a while, and since there are no new pics in the way of quilting to share, this was taken a few weeks ago. Isn't she cute?

Just chillin' with dad

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Early Fall?

We have old farmer signs happening around us already this summer that may indicate we're in for an early autumn. The acorns have been falling for a few weeks already, trees are changing quickly in the low lands, and the birds are moving in flocks now. With the mild temperatures of late, and the low mosquito infiltration this year, I don't know if I'm actually ready for hoodies and turtlenecks yet. But there's no stopping Mother Nature and so we deal with it as it comes. 

Sort of like the quilts I work for people. You never really know what you're going to do to enhance their piecing, but once the top is loaded, a bit of research is done, and a few sketches are made, I embrace my decisions and quilt on. 

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Tina's beautiful top done in Tula fabrics, I think
I took some pics of the quilting detail, but I'm working navy thread into the navy sections and there isn't really a lot to see visually. This top has seven rows and have completed one so far. 

After long arming WAY past my quitting time, I was able to get four more spools put together. I was going to do four more but had a wonderful conversation with a frequent customer who called last night. That was way more important and just as delightful.

Today I'll continue on with Tina's quilt top as much as I can. Mom is coming over at some point today to discuss our impending trip to Cincinnati this weekend. I think too we may need to get on these mowers later. The heat and humidity is supposed to start up again so we'd better get to the lawn while we have the weather in our favor. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Internet Interruption

Well, that was fun. No internet for almost a week due to a huge storm last Tuesday night. Which is why I haven't blogged at all. I'll try to catch up as minimally as I can.

Isn't this a cute block?
I was going to make a whole bunch of these and then decided the block was not quite what I thought. I may rework it and go in a different direction (I don't like the 3D bottom of the ice cream on the cone).

Oranges and Lemons is together
And it's actually quilted, bound, and hanging on my chair already in the studio (see below). 
I made these two baby quilts for Hazels groomer
She's expecting twins and is having a hard go of it right now, so I'll give these two quilts to her when she reopens...in October or November. They still need to be quilted which I hope to slide in this week. 
Currently on the frame
This is the second of Micky's quilts in the last week. Forgot to grab a pic of the first one. 
Spools in a row
I received this free pattern in the mail enticing me to subscribe to Quiltmaker magazine. I decided to run one test block and fell in love with the ease of construction so put together three more yesterday. I'm going to raid the stash to get a bevy of colors in the quilt, which actually measures pretty decently at 66" x 81". Usually these cute blocks are like 'Make a million and you might get a throw size type of patterns.

I'll finish Micky's quilt today and get the next one on for Tina as it's kind of a rush quilt for a magazine (or something). I just know I can't sit on it for a long time and since I'll be gone all next weekend, I want to at least get it done before I go.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Custom vs E2E

It's amazing how quickly an edge to edge design takes on the long arm and how much longer it takes custom work to quilt. I'm only half way through the Linda McGibbon (Celestial Stars) piece but will continue to plug away at it this morning.

Some quilting detail

How I remember what I do in each corner

A customer is coming this morning to drop off a few pieces, and I have another drop off (or two) scheduled throughout the remainder of the week so my marathon days are probably going to finish with the Celestial Stars top.

After long arming I moved right back into the fruit top and this is where I ended last night...

Now to put these blocks together into a complete top

The "sections" had to be put onto the background pieces and once they were secured, the sections needed to be sewn down. All this is done on a block by block basis and then the blocks are sewn together as a top. That's where I'll head towards tonight. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Sunday Squirrel

Since all my piecing WIP's are caught up, new projects are very welcome here. And, I've decided, since it took me seven months to catch up on all those WIP's, that wasn't going to happen again. One. Project. At. A. Time!

Well, okay, maybe two. But so far the one and done motto is sticking. Since the heart quilt top is completed I was able to get into a new project. Yeah, I should have been long arming my top which is loaded. But hey, it's Sunday, why not take a day off from my "job"? 

The newest project
This is an old (and I mean about two to three years) kit I picked up from Pieces when we were on retreat in January of 2018 or 19. I looked rather difficult when I initially picked it up and thought it would take some time to get all those curves sewn in, especially with the wedges within the curves. 

This is where I ended last night...

Progress so far
It's been very fun to build and I would have continued on had the closing ceremonies of the Olympics not been starting soon. 

Long arming today. Customers are expected this week to drop off and possibly pick up so it looks like the quilting marathon may be coming to a close here as well. I have to figure out a way to get more of my quilts on the frame during the busy times with customers. Still working on that one in my little head. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Late Getting Started

Not sure when it was we've had a rainy Sunday morning. The kind of morning perfect for lounging in jammies, catching up on blogs, reading, YouTube videos, and Instagram posts. And I don't even feel guilty. 

Yesterday I loaded another one of my tops onto DW and here's what he's wearing today...

Pattern designed by Linda McGibbons
This will take a while to quilt I think.

I finished the heart top and got the AQS pillow tops made as well as the binding done on the AQS quilt.

I ventured out yesterday afternoon to deliver a quilt and do a little yard sale shopping at a customers home. I did manage to pick up a new sewing machine for Katie as a back up for her should her other one decide to conk out on her. At least she'll have something to do until she can get a new machine. 

And Jim put my new sign in the yard even with one foot barely walkable and the other wrapped up in gauze and post surgery stuff. He rocks!

Isn't this cool?
Not sure how motivated I'll be today. I'll see what comes along and interests me. I exchanged quilting for a few kits at the yard sale yesterday and may delve into one of those sine the other ones are done??

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Another Surgery

Albeit it was a small one, Jim had to have a tendon cut on his other foot yesterday (opposite the ankle reconstruction) to relieve a hammer toe issue. This occupied most of our afternoon. I did manage to get the AQS quilt quilted before we left as well as two pillow tops to match.

Pillow tops to match the quilt
I'll often do this with orphan or test blocks to get some use of the fabric in a positive way.

After we returned home from his little surgery, I constructed the flying geese that will be used for the border for the heart project I'm working on. 

Flying geese for the border
Today is a quiet day around the "lake" so a great opportunity to work in here most of the day. I want to get the AQS quilt off, bound, and the pillow backs made to prepare for forms. I'd like to get the heart quilt top completed (great, another UFO to add to the stack of tops needing quilting) or maybe I'll just get it quilted???? 

I have to run a finished quilt over to a customer later this afternoon but that won't take up too much of the day with plenty left for me to enjoy the studio. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Life and Errands

Life: Cleaning the house top to bottom which took most of the morning. Lunch. Jim decided we needed to get groceries afterwards and by the time we got home it was past the long arming hour.

I did do some piecing on the new project that was started a few days ago. This is where I left off last night...

See what I mean about the 1980's similarities?
One of the places Jim visited before he got home yesterday morning was the sign company who made the new sign for the quilting business. It will duplicate as our "lake" sign once I retire from long arming. Here it is sitting in wait for us to get it mounted at the end of the driveway. 

The new sign
It's gloomy today and expected to stay that way so I hope to finish the long arming on the AQS top while drawing lines on squares for the next step in the heart top above. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Using Waiting Time Wisely

I'm waiting for Jim to get home from PT and other errands today to come and cut my hair. While he's away this morning I'm getting a lot of chores around the house done. And, of course, blogging.

Here's what went on the frame yesterday afternoon...

AQS BOM from like three years ago
What I'm up to piecing-wise

After working on the long arm until late afternoon, I started piecing for the next project. Here's some of the pieces being constructed. 

And that's about it. It's gotten hot and humid again of late so will spend most of the day in the house. I do have to mow Hazel's pen later this afternoon when the dew comes off, but the rest of the time can be spent in here doing what it is I love to do. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Safety Pins

Please, please, please don't bring me your quilt already sandwiched together especially with tiny little safety pins. 

You can barely see the pins because they're so tiny
And please give me enough backing fabric to be able to get onto the long arm. Notice how much I have on the sides. The top/bottom was the same way so had to attach an external wide fabric to the top and bottom to get it on to DW. I'm doing this as a special favor to a regular customer who is moving.

The six mystery blocks are constructed and I've started a new project from the bag! When I go into a project I generally just sew like a crazy woman and don't really take the time to enjoy the process. 

Last night, after long arming and hurting my thumb removing safety pins, I finished the mystery blocks and picked out the next bag project in line. The fabrics are all there and the pattern is kinda 1980's-ish but this new top reminds me of my snuggly quilt I use when I'm sick on the couch. And the sick quilt is in tatters. 

I'm taking my time pressing the fabrics. Starching them. Cutting them. And when I started piecing them I sewed slower than I normally do. I even trimmed after each block was pieced...which I'm really lazy about doing. I'm not in any hurry. I don't need to impress anybody or meet any deadlines. It's not like I don't already have about 150 quilts in my stash that I need more. I'm just enjoying the process and the passion I have working with patterns, fabrics, and thread. 

I hope to finish Pat's wallhanging today (if the thumb cooperates with removing remaining pins) on the long arm. After that, who knows? 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

All In Good Times

We have to take the opportunities given to us and transform them into memories. Life is too precious and short to think 'maybe tomorrow'. When friends are only here on random weekends and random times, you grab the moment and enjoy the journey.

Our north neighbors stayed an extra day yesterday and we finally got Rose (aka Rows) out of Marina prison and brought her home, although not yet launched for a variety of reasons. We criticized the deck being built on the other side of us, and traded dog, kid, grandkid stories. We talked about life. 

They had to leave by mid-afternoon and we were once again quiet around the place. Too quiet. I turned on the tunes and worked on a customer quilt to devoid my mind of how much they were already missed. Here's what I worked on yesterday...

Emily's Table Runner
Jim brough some good news in from the mailbox after the quiet ensued. My mystery block from Cotton Cuts arrived and I started on it after working on Emily's piece. I didn't get far. Mom wasn't answering her phone and we needed to go over and check to make sure all was okay. Which it was. 

This morning, Jim and I are tackling some deck upkeep (missed screw placement, etc.) and then in the studio this afternoon to work on Pats wallhanging. More mystery block after that. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

A Purple Yertle Turtle

After an impromtu rain storm yesterday we were all able to gather together in our yards again. Meanwhile, we watched a movie while eating lunch and I finished the turtle.

The Purple Turtle
He didn't photograph well, but it's done nonetheless.

Most likely doing some long arming today. I have two small customer quilts that should be loaded and taken care of. One of our neighbors had to leave early this morning, but the other one is still up through until lunch so not sure when I'll get on the machine. 

Not sure what "sewing" project I'll work on this evening after getting off the frame?!? Maybe my Cotton Cuts mystery block will show up in the mail. It was shipped on July 30th and should be here any day. So excited to work on it. 

Sunday, August 1, 2021


We weren't expecting either one of our neighbors this weekend and yesterday one of them showed up. Late into the evening, the other neighbor rolled in. Today will be a wash in the studio since we'll probably be playing with them.

I did get the turtle top quilted. 

The turtle shell
Have you ever quilted just batting and one layer of fabric? 

The underside of the turtles belly
I managed to get the other parts cut out and stitched together. Maybe between neighbor projects/visits I'll get them stuffed and ready to go?\

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...