Thursday, September 16, 2021

Empty Long Arm? WHAT???

Until my new bobbin case arrives, DW is looking like this...

Not Cool
He should never (ever) be empty unless he's going in for his annual spa day. The science dork in me decided to research why his bobbin case may have decided to poop out. Here's what I discovered...

Back lash spring issue
Where the arrow is pointing appears to be the problem; a bend in his backlash spring. And the spring isn't sitting flush with the bobbin case itself causing it to give me erratic tension. But this provides me the opportunity to do some much needed cleaning and maintenance I've neglected to deal with. Like centering his foot position...
Realigning needle center
And I've thoroughly cleaned his rails, rail wheels, the bed, and the bobbin area, so when that bobbin case does show up I'm all ready to rock. 

Meanwhile, The Zoology top is finished. 

Zoology top complete
I found this in my stash for backing. I didn't have enough to do the complete back so I paired it with one of the stripes within the top and now it's ready to go onto the frame. Someday. 

Perfect backing for the Zoology top

The next project is one I've been holding on to for a while and am going to hold off sharing what I'm working on until I do some more experimenting with fusible. I've blogged enough for today so we'll just stick with this for now. 

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