Tuesday, September 7, 2021

What. A. Weekend!

 The lake, on a whole, was very quiet this weekend despite it being a holiday. With the exception of our little curve of it, which was rockin' all weekend long. Games, music, fireworks, movies, campfires, kids, dogs, and the endless food. Needless to say, I slept in today. 

And I stitched approximately zero on the long arm and very (very) little in the studio on the sewing machines. 

The company who made my sign wanted a pic of the final hanging when Jim got done with it. Here's what you would see upon your arrival here.

What you see while pulling in

Long arming the burger top this morning. They are predicting horrible storms for this afternoon (despite it being cloudless and rather mild this morning) and except for a load, I'm not sure how much more long arming I'll get done.

Working on the pincushions for the Sew by Row top and will commence with those later when (if) the storms hit like they're predicting.

All the party goers have left except three by now and I'll see them off as well. 

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