Sunday, September 19, 2021

Great Day!

Look what finally showed up yesterday in the mail!

New bobbin case!
I've already played with the tension and ran a test run this morning. This bobbin needs to have the tension a  little less than the previous case, so that'll take some getting used to; a constant vigil until we relearn.

Because our mail does not arrive until later in the afternoon (if at all), I started this little top (because I found something else on the shelves). 

The Way Home
I'm not working with the actual yardage requirements and am actually going to do this through a fat quarter bundle Jim bought for me about two years ago from Pieces so mine will look a little different.

Here's the top I finished yesterday morning before starting to cut for this new project...

The United States
While I was cruising around on YouTube about a quilt a co-Handi Quilter Inspiration Squad member makes entirely on the frame (I'm very intrigued about this and need to try one) I stumbled upon the quilt our Inspiration Squad made for the Handi Quilter folks...
My blocks is right there in the bottom, right hand corner
This is a pic of a pic of a video, so it didn't come out very clear, but very cool nonetheless. 

The weather today is supposed to (probably) be our last summer-like day for the year. We seldom get near the 80's this far into September, but we are today so very little time will be spent in here this afternoon. Need to take advantage of the sun and warmth before we start getting out the turtle necks and sweatshirts.

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