Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Little Late

Janice stopped by this morning (first thing) and my computer was doing [another] update so I wasn't able to blog before her arrival. Here's what's on the frame today...

Monica's first quilt (of four)
Starting with her smallest first. 

Another A/C kind of day so a good day to stay in the house and quilt. Lucy and Hazel are all better now (no heart worm and the stitches are out and looking good). Getting ready for the upcoming holiday and the reunion but otherwise, just quilting away in the studio. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Jim took this morning off to take the girls to the vet. He insisted he could handle both of them by himself and for me to enjoy a quiet morning to get chores done, etc. What a nice way to begin the day.

Here is some more quilting detail of Janice's quilt...

Love my echo foot!
And needless to say, since I'm showing you more quilting, it's obviously not done yet. Maybe today? 

Rosie is officially decommissioned. Which is where I ended up after working until after 5:00 yesterday. It was a beautiful weather day and Jim was down there by himself (didn't even take Lucy down), and my quilting mojo ran out. Sometimes the machine needs to be shut off early; for both of our sakes. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Two Weeks Tomorrow...

...since Lucy's surgery. She gets her stitches out and, an added bonus, I get to take Hazel with me tomorrow to get her annual heartworm check done. This could be very interesting. Hopefully Jim will be able to ride along and assist since he's pretty slow at work right now.

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Janice D.'s Simple, yet very elegant top
All this negative space gives me permission to have some fun. This was loaded yesterday afternoon (customers in the morning as well as a backing wash/frame iron before lunch). I'm about 1/3 of the way into it.

Having some wandering feather fun
These take forever to do, but they are so pretty and I just couldn't resist. The girls seem rather goofy and playful this morning; probably the cooler weather. Hopefully they'll calm down enough soon so I'm able to work. 

I worked on a second bag last night but just got it started so I'll work on that tonight if I get Janice's quilt done. 

I have made a business decision to change my current web hosting company from Vista Prints to UENI. with VP I was having to make all the changes, drive the account, write and edit content, insert pics, decide on color schemes, etc. UENI will do everything for me. I just give them information and they do the rest. And it's a one-time fee rather than an annual fee. Since my web site isn't the basis for my clientele (seriously, very few actually look at it), this will be a perfect solution and still be present to the public. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Small Project Sunday

Our grandson, Zechariah, was baptized yesterday down in Lansing. I was supposed to go. Our doggie daycare lady wasn't available. So just Jim headed down. And, he assisted the kids in the construction of their deck. Which they are replacing. So it was like a normal work day with him being gone all day. Except, I didn't do that. Work, I mean. 

This is what I made...

A new shopping bag
This is one of three I hope to make. It's from this pattern...
Sorry about the sideways pic
After I finished the first one (because all three bags are included in the kit), I looked down next to the thread cabinet and found a WIP I had completely forgot about. I figured I better finish that before starting a second or third bag. Here's the finished top. 
Cotton Cuts Mystery BOM 2021-2022

My fabric selection for this project was Tula Pink and I can't wait to get this on the long arm. But, alas, I will have to since I have many more customers ahead of my own needs. 

When I was nearly done getting those borders on, Jim arrived back home and we spent some time sharing our days' activities as well as a reunion discussion and playing with the girls. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Good Thing I Don't Work On My Back

Today's title makes it sound like I'm some kind of trollop or...😟

No, what I'm referring to is working under Rosie, in the sand, in the heat, with my head pointed down the slope. Talk about nauseating. And even after I switched to have my head going up hill, I was still getting lightheaded and yucky stomach feeling. Jim took over after that.  

I also hurt my left index finger trying to get the back corner cleat off with Jim's big drill. I'll probably lose the nail at some point. It even hurts to type. But we both put in three more hours last night and her deck is almost separate from her pontoons. Jim is down there working on her again this morning already. 

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Ummm????? WHAT?
The customer decided she wanted more quilting in there, so I had to reload this already completed quilt onto the frame and get in more thread. I'm nearly half-way done and will finish this up this morning and head [back] over to Farwell to pick up some flannel backing for Z's quilt. His baptism is tomorrow and Jim can take his little quilt down (if I get it finished). 

I'm not going. Our doggie sitter is not available and with Lucy still having stitches and a small bladder, we'd come home to a mess, so I'm hanging here, by myself tomorrow, with the girls.

What's this picture about?
The border that was put onto both of the last two quilts, I'm assuming, was a 6 1/2" border (6 1/4" finished) given what I measured prior to loading. If I measure 6 1/4" from the edge of the seam outward to trim, this is the shrinkage that happens after quilting. Some of them have even more shrinkage depending on the batt/quilting/thread density/ that goes into the quilt.

Another hot one today weather-wise so it's a good day to stay in and quilt and shop. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Summer is Here!

Our Catalpa tree is in full bloom and the weather is now saying summer is officially here. We have such a short warm season in northern Michigan and it's to be enjoyed while it is with us. 

I finished making the top of Zechariah's quilt. I want to quilt it with a white Spartan head and some Spartan "S's" but I need to get a snuggly backing for it. Maybe this weekend?

Kind of boring until the quilting goes in there
Nail appointment first thing this morning so a little behind on chores. The quilt top I started yesterday is about half-way complete so maybe that'll get done today?

Worked on Rosie for another hour last night after mowing. The rails are off the decking and the rails holding down the deck part were started. I also started removing the cleats and the lighting before getting dusky (mosquito time). And Jim got called out on a gas leak so the girls were cooped up long enough (Lucy can't go down to the lake until her stitches are removed). 

And it smells as wonderful as it looks!
I don't know if working on the pontoon today is in the cards. I'm down to all underside work and it's supposed to be another hot one today. There were some wasps flying around me last night and I'm wondering if there isn't a nest under there?!?

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Quilt. Remove. Repeat.

Now this looks familiar... 

Wait...I've seen this before

This is almost the same top as yesterdays, but this one is a little bigger as the client added a nice second border to the whole top. It's going to get quilted kind of the same, but not really. Different background fill. Different border treatment. Different appliqué fills.

Lucy is feeling better so she is having a little more freedom to romp and play with Hazel. Meaning, she's not so cabin fever-ish and needing attention in the morning. However, the afternoon starts getting a little more demanding as dad's arrival home becomes closer. 

I have to crank on this today because we have to mow tonight and continue on with Rosie. 

Oh, did I mention Rosie earlier? No? Well, Rosie is getting decommissioned. She has too many things wrong to put any more money into her. I started tearing her down last night (spent an hour alone getting the "chain link fence" and the "mood lighting" taken off her rails) and now we have to start using "real" tools to get her broken down. And we have a limited time to do it since it was asked we have it done before July 4th. Good thing it's going to be a beautiful weather day!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Didn't Make It

I didn't make it to guild last night, but I did make my quilting goal yesterday. Goals? I set myself a goal everyday when I start a top. My goal yesterday was to make it to the 3/4 mark on the one I showed yesterday, and I JUST about made it.  

This sun setting late is keeping me in the studio longer, which is good for the customer. Not good for my back. Which I'm feeling this morning.

Here's some of the quilting going into Tina's quilt...

All free motion and ruler work
I'll continue on with this and load the next identical (or nearly identical) one later today. 

The girls are rather froggy today. The chipmunk under their deck probably started it all first thing this morning. I got them to hold still for a nanosecond earlier...

Playing in dads bed

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Guild (Guilt) Day

I really wanted to go up and sew with the ladies all day in Oscoda. BUT...Lucy is not even a week post-op and I have a mountain of tops still sitting here in the queue. I'll run up tonight for our monthly meeting but to be gone all day right now just wasn't in the cards.

Here's what's on the frame today...

Tina's Vintage Flea Market
I've already started the border and have rolled once. Hopefully this will go rather quickly since I have another duplicate top sitting there right behind this one for another client. 

Speaking of Lucy. She wanted some attention yesterday and kept creeping closer to my feet to get some loves. 

"Here I am Mom"
Terribly hot weather again today but at least there's a little breeze to help those who have to work outdoors in this kind of stuff (Jim and Ben). 

Monday, June 20, 2022

No Small Project Sunday

Mom is somewhere in Colorado taking a vacation. We are responsible for taking care of her plants, both inside and out, while she is gone. We had to head to town for some bathroom (and other) items anyway, so we dropped by her place to take care of this new 10-day chore. 

From the cut-off's of the Lumberjack, I have double sewn the half square triangles to make another smaller quilt (rather than wasting this very soft flannel). Here's what I've got on the design wall from them so far...

What to do in that border?
I think I'll utilize the remaining green colors for a different green on each side. I haven't made a baby quilt for the new grandson yet and I guess this will be his. It's not very "baby-ish" in looks, but it will be extremely soft for him to snuggle on/under. 

Raging storms last night north of us but we just received the tail end of of it all. Wow! did the rain ever come down around 1:00 this morning. Sounded like I was in the shower.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Finished...and Not

I'm finished piecing the top of the Lumberjack. He's faceless right now, which kind of gives him a creepy feel, so I didn't snag a pic. But we have to run errands this morning in Midland and will get the required 200% pattern enlargement done for his facial features and get them on later. 

And Jean's quilt is not finished. I had three customers drop off yesterday, one pick up and a trip over to Pieces for the annual sidewalk sale. By the time I returned home, the wind was howling (again), and I wasn't feeling the long arm vibe. 

I put more quilting into Linda's quilt via the sit-down (per her request) and pieced the Lumberjack together instead. 

Once we return today, I hope to finish Jeans quilt, but we have a lot of people up this weekend and you never know how the turn of events happens with all of that.

Our poppy finally matured and turned into something. It's not red like most other varieties...

Pretty Poppy!

Friday, June 17, 2022

What I Do When I'm Frame Ironing

When quilt backs sit in the queue for two months, they have a tendency to get a little, well...wrinkled. Rather than trying to iron them the conventional way (because as soon as I try to load and move them around they're wrinkled again), I frame iron. This takes a little while because drying has to happen between each roll.

I've seen IG and FB posts about this technique; both effective and ineffective. Ineffective because it is a little time consuming. But honestly, so is conventionally ironing the backs. Between each roll, I take that time to do the following because it has to be done anyway despite what technique is used:

1. Clean the long arm. Dust, gook, and threads pile up on the frame bed and have to be cleaned.

2. Clean the bed rails and the truck the head sits on because they accumulate yuck too.

3. Clean the bobbin area out thoroughly. I do a light cleaning with every bobbin change, but this leaves the head clear to give me a better view of the bobbin area. 

4. Select the threads I'm going to use throughout the quilt and the back. 

5. Snug up the invoice a little and make any notes.

6. Select the rulers/tools I'm going to use throughout the quilting process for that particular top. 

7. And if time permits, work on a little piecing of my own.

Here's a little of what's going into the top I'm working right now...

Just a little cheddar feathering

Lucy is feeling much better today, which is a good thing, but it's not. She wants to behave nearly like normal, but she has to stay quiet for a few days more. This could be a challenge. 

I have two customers coming today to pick up and I'll continue on with Jeans quilt. With the high winds in the afternoon and the cuddles Lucy required, it didn't get finished yesterday. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Back to Square One

I had forgotten about how the dogs have to be cuddled and watched closely when they come home from getting spay. Lucy is all snuggles this morning and is occasionally groaning with pain. Poor thing. So, I don't know how much work I'm going to get done over the next day or so until she starts feeling better. And even then, we're [supposed] to keep her quiet for two weeks?!?

Here's what's on the frame for an indefinite about of time...

Jean S. has a classically made top here
And it's getting spiced up a little with some cheddar threads in the black blocks. As well as a little computerized quilting, some feathers in the border, and some light quilting in the pieced blocks. 

If the weather settles down (hot, hot, hot), Jim and I will need to mow this afternoon. The lawn is looking pretty shaggy and I have customers coming tomorrow and Monday. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Soaking in the Puppy Loves

Lucy was rather snuggly yesterday. Maybe she felt the upcoming vet appointment today to get spay. Needless to say, I was a little behind.  

Marcia's Wine quilt is quilted, but I still need to get it off the frame, trim and call her. 

This is my latest quilt top quest...

Talk about snuggly
This is the pattern I went to Elm Creek and picked up the flannels for. I've got all the pieces cut out and can start getting him pieced after "working" today. Although, the pattern is rather ambiguous in the instructions. And some of the pattern pieces had asterisks next to them, but I can NOT find any instructions denoting what the asterisks are actually for. Guess I'll find out during construction. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Another Finish

Linda's quilt is complete and Marcia's is on the frame this morning already basted in and started...

A Wine-y top
Marcia said to have fun with the threads, so I'm kind of doing that. After working on the frame for eight hours I moved to the beds. It's a top!
Snoozy beds
I may sneak this one onto the frame after Marcia's is complete just to get it basted in and ditched. Or...maybe I'll just do the whole thing on the frame. It's at the size almost too big to stick under the sit-down and I have kind of a time deadline with it. On to the next project. Yay! Don't ya love starting new projects?

Monday, June 13, 2022

Small Project Sunday

Elm Creek Greenhouse and Quilt Shop is open on Sunday. I have a new pattern I needed to get fabrics for and would have normally gotten them from Pieces. BUT...she doesn't carry flannels and this particular top is definitely going to need flannels. We started there yesterday morning and did a little shopping elsewhere in our travels.

Once we got lunch and watched a few movies, I moved into the studio to work on the beds. I had one to finish and another to start. But then I finished the last one and now have a complete set. 

Aren't these cute?
I have to run the sashing in between the columns, and then find a border fabric that will work. I'll dig around in my stash and see what I can find that may work. Otherwise, the Pieces Sidewalk Sale is coming up this weekend and I'm sure I'll be able to find something there. 

Meanwhile, Linda's quilt top is waiting for me to get started. It should be able to be finished today and I have one more in the time-is-of-the-essence situation sitting in the queue to load next. 

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Interesting Response

While at the funeral yesterday, we hugged and offered our condolences and the family responded with, "Don't be sorry. She's wanted to go to the Lord for years now." The family seemed relatively relieved that Aunt Lil was now in Heaven with Jesus. 

Once we got home, it was still daylight out so I started in making another bed. On the previous night, I was able to get the border started on Linda's top...

She basically planned out how she wanted this quilted, so I'm just having to do the actual work and not too much thinking. Which is good. With all the storms rolling through last night and again later today, my sinus headache is stronger than usual. 

Jim has tractor guys coming this morning and the girls arrived home all worn out from their stay at Luanns. Well, Hazel is tired. Lucy wants to play and Hazel is having none of it. I'll work most of what I can today but our neighbor, two doors down, is up right now, and you never know what that will bring. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Funeral Attire

We have a funeral to attend tomorrow. Jim's Great Aunt Lil was 105 when she passed last week. We are heading north of Torch Lake first thing in the morning, but have to drop the dogs off first on our way. Meanwhile...I have nothing complete around here to wear. When was the last time I wore heels?

Getting back to quilting things. Evelyn picked up her t-shirt quilt already this morning and thank you for the WONDERFUL tip Evelyn! Tips are always appreciated and provide me with money for more fabric. 

Here's what's kind of on the frame this morning...

Linda's Top: Winter's Glow
I say it's kind of on the frame because I'm waiting for my wool batting delivery to arrive. It should be here around lunch. The piece of wool batt I currently have is 1" too short! UGH! Once it arrives, I'll start diving right in since this is another time sensitive project.

I started on another bed block last night once Linda's top was all marked and ready to get into. I'll continue with this after I dig through more closets to try and find a funeral outfit that will work. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Getting Ready for the Kids

When Caleb and Lia come home from Washington state in about six weeks, they'll need a place to stay until their apartment is ready in August. All the quilt tops waiting to be quilted are now hung (well, mostly) and ready to be moved on the rack when the kids arrive. 

The bags on the dresser are also tops waiting
Meanwhile, yesterday afternoon turned out non-productive (mom popped in for a few hours), so I had to make up the time in the evening. Meaning, the t-shirt quilt is not yet finished. But it should be done before lunch today. I have a half row of t-shirts to quilt and all the bottom border yet to go. 

Dad called early (like before 7:00) this morning. You'd think I'd already be working, but catching up with admin stuff took up the morning hours. And a few chores tossed in for good measure. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Rainy, Weird Day

My bug guy was supposed to be here between 8-10 yesterday. Yeah, right. Had to deal with that while quilting in the morning.

Once the bug guy finally got here and did his thing, it was well after 1:00 before I got to sit down to lunch. And then while finishing lunch, a customer came to drop off the time sensitive top next on the long arm. 

Meanwhile, I was still stitching away when I could on the t-shirt top and here's some of what's going into it...

Looking Good!
This is looking pretty darn good I think. 

More of this today as I'm about at the half-way point. Hazel has to go to the groomer this morning and once I get back home, hopefully, Lucy will cooperate and let me work the rest of the day. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

A Day For Me

Because I don't long arm on Sunday, I took the day and spent it doing gift things for others. While these aren't for me, it was projects I got to work on instead of customer quilts. 

The turtle for Lisa and Dave's baby due in August
Lucy wanted to help model...
Fit for a baby
Once the turtle was completed I moved on to more beds...
Three done...three more to go
This is a house warming gift for Caleb and Lia when they get back at the end of July.

Orkin is due here (like now) and Linda M. is coming by to drop off (another) time sensitive top at some point today. 

Here's what's on the frame for the next few days...

Evelyn W's grad top for her grandson
Pics as it's evolving coming soon.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Not Much to Report

I'm still working on the Boy Scout quilt, but should be able to get it finished up this morning. Another time sensitive quilt was dropped off yesterday morning and it's sitting in the wings waiting to get on the frame this afternoon. 

Some quilting going in
This quilt isn't just a matter of finishing the last row. The backing on this is nearly the same size as the top and so need to pin an extra leader on the end row to be able to get that bead board quilting done. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

It's Friday!

This week went by so very fast! Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Sue L's Boy Scout top
This is going to have a combination of free motion, ruler work, and computerization put into it. Whew!

I have a new customer coming (soon) to drop off [another] deadline top. I was perusing my log and found another one that needs to be done before the end of the month that will need to go on after the t-shirt quilt coming. AND...this Boy Scout top needs to be done quickly as well. I guess I'm a machine after all. 

Don't know if the neighbors are going to make it up this weekend, but we have no other plans (that I'm aware of) so should be able to get some quilting in to try to keep on top of all these immediately needed quilts. So much for working on any of my own things huh?

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Back on Track

My little diversion yesterday was only momentarily infringing on customer time. I was quilted, reloaded, quilted and then reloaded again before lunch. The girls cooperated wonderfully!

Here's what's on the frame today...

Pat R's T-Shirt Gift for her granddaughter
Each of these t-shirts are getting a custom treatment as is the outside border. The sashing strips between are getting a small meander throughout. But it's the custom that takes all the time. Thread changes and the like. 

I'll chip away at this all day today and see where we get. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

A Little Diversion

Tina's quilt was completed early last evening (the girls were being uncooperative in the afternoon yesterday). I have to get this turtle quilted as we have a (tentative) baby shower coming up in the next couple of weeks. And there's still a LOT to do on this after the quilting.  

This is a turtle?
I'm going to finish this out this morning. Get the back on and quilt it zippy fast and then get the next "needs yesterday" top on (Pat's t-shirt top). Hopefully, all before lunch. I have a feeling that may be a stretch. But goals are set in sand aren't they?

Had some not-so-good news delivered yesterday. Jim's Great Aunt Lil passed away in her sleep night before last. She was 105. Looks like we'll be attending a funeral soon. Thankfully, we have a wonderful dog sitter, who during circumstances like this one, is willing to make room for the girls in a pinch. And...she's a quilter! 

Aren't most quilters just the best?

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...