Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Beautiful Late Summer Day

Today is supposed to be gorgeous. There is mowing in our future today I think. I have two customers coming sometime today; one to pick up and drop off and another to just drop off. I'm not sure when either of them are going to be here since they both left it open, so I'll just work until they show up I guess. 

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Kathy's Stained Glass Poppies
Pretty isn't it? I've always wanted to do one of theses stained glass pieces but haven't had the opportunity as of yet. 

Here's some quilting detail that went into Janice's quilt yesterday...

This sure sets things off!
I'm having a bit of a tooth problem the last few days. It's one of those if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it things. The dentist recommended (for two years) I get a crown on my #3 molar; over half of it is covered with a very old filling. Yep, the filling is starting to fall apart. The soonest they can get me into the office...October 5th. And that's just the crown prep (root canal oh boy!). That's what I get for my stupid "broke" thinking I guess. Meanwhile, I'm on soft-ish foods until then. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Learning New Routes

I'm a creature of habit. I think most of us are. I eat nearly the same thing for breakfast everyday. The same thing for lunch. I get up at about the same time (barring Crows, dogs, or Bluejays interrupting my slumber), I take breaks at relatively same times. I know where everything is (usually) because I take care of things as soon as I'm finished with them. 

Except things aren't where they were before. And I have to learn the route around the studio to get the marking utensil, to roll the quilt forward, to change out threads, to grab a pencil to make a note. Yep, I'll just get used to it and then the new long arm will arrive and I'll have to do that all over again.

But DW seems to like his new position out there. We have him all leveled so he doesn't pull or push at me while I'm working so here's what's on the frame today...

Small but mighty

When we planned this top together, we put in a lot of changes in direction of detail so I'm definitely not going to get bored working this one. I have to teach myself how to quilt a cowboy hat, a horseshoe, and a pair of boots. And then do all my regular work in there. 

Hopefully we won't be bothered with more thunderstorms tonight as we have the past four or so evenings. Long arms and thunderstorms just don't mix. 

Monday, August 29, 2022

[Not] Working in the Studio

I did zero sewing. Zero long arming. Zero hand stitching yesterday. But we were in the studio working for over five hours. 

Our original plan of receiving the new addition to the mix wasn't working out on paper. Nor were any of the other options we played with using graph paper and "mock" pieces of furniture to scale. The room is only so big and we discovered something had to give. Bye bye sewing table. 

That opens things on the south end
The new long arm wasn't going to fit in that space we just opened up. It's too long (despite getting a slightly shorter table.) over reaching into the door where the girls go out. DW and the pressing/planning table had to be moved down a few feet.
Opening up the north end for Bernie
Hopefully this will give us enough room. Now that I don't have two sewing machines set up any longer, I'm going to have to do more on the long arm.

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

This could have been done on the sit-down
I'll get this done this morning and then load the next customer quilt. I did work all day Saturday, so I'm a little ahead of myself, but we have Labor Day weekend starting Thursday night and a whole lot of neighbors who are going to be up to distract me, to include a brand new baby. I love babies!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Last of the Summer Days

Still working on the Grandmothers Flower Garden for Tina. Here's some of the quilting detail... 

Each and every hexagon gets quilted
In the evening, when I'm done working, I try to get in a kayak trip (I couldn't the night before last because it was storming), and then while the sun is setting I've been working on this for the kids...
"Flying School" by Pattern Plus Designs
It looks like it's nearly finished, but hardly. The appliqué quilting needs to be done, the actual quilting needs to get put in, and there are 3-D embellishments being added once those two steps are crossed off the list. 

The girls received a bath this morning and Jim is going to get them trimmed up today while I'm continuing on with Tina's top. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Off And Running

First thing this morning...blood work. Then, go get coffee at Northern Expresso. Head to nail appointment. Get home and do chores, change out of "go to town clothes", and go play with the girls for a bit to wear them out somewhat. 

Now I can work. Here's what's on the frame today...

Tina's antique Grandmothers Flower Garden top
This, I'm afraid, is going to take more than a day to quilt. It's going to be entirely ruler worked; each and every one of those hexagons.  

I did a before and after set of pics on how the frame ironing works on backing fabrics. 


While this takes longer to do, it's entirely full proof. Ironing a backing, getting it on the frame, and getting it rolled up actually introduces wrinkles. This method does not, ensuring my customers have a smooth backing on their quilts. 

This arrived in the mail yesterday...

My new Cutterpillar!
It's a "light box" with a surface you can actually cut on. The light has three modes (soft, medium, or very bright light), and since I do so much appliqué, it will definitely come in very handy in the studio. It was my birthday present (early) from Jim while we were at the AQS show last Friday. 

Well, I better get to it since I'm a little behind already. Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Phone Calls Ahoy!

The phone yesterday rang off the hook. And with the exception of one conversation, the rest of them were lengthy talks that lasted well over 20 minutes. Five in all. I worked until well after 8:00 on Penny's quilt and all except for trimming the quilt and attaching the binding, it's done. I'll work on the binding this morning before my customer comes.

Yep, I have one coming around 10:30 this morning to pick-up. Nobody else is expected that I know of, so I'll load the next quilt later this morning or early afternoon. 

I snapped a pic of the studio (pre-Bernina) so it's here currently where I work on everything. 

Look at all that natural light!

This will change once the Bernina shows up in a few weeks...if everything goes as we hope. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sore Arms

I decided to take a kayak trip after returning from my flash and smash appointment yesterday. I headed north (usually I go south) and wondered just how far I could travel given the current low water level.

I went waaayyyy further than I thought I could/would and after turning around, realized I had to kayak (paddling harder than normal) back through three very large seaweed beds all the while getting my butt back home. 

But it was a picture perfect kayak night. Little to no wind, mid 80's in temperature, quiet, and a whole lot of wildlife to see. I was able to see the damage done to the houses/cottages to our north with the flood two years ago. 

Enough about non-quilting things. Here's some of the quilting detail going into Penny's quilt...

I love swirls!
Hopefully the quilting will be done on this today. BUT...this is one of three customers I do binding for and so will have to tackle that once it's off the frame and trimmed. 

I got a call from my batting supplier and they are having a hard time getting bleached white cotton in stock. Not sure what's up with that situation, but I have a top waiting for that exact batt (I don't have enough here to do it), so that one will be on hold until further notice. Hmmm???

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

What a Beautiful Day

The weather yesterday was picture perfect. Slight breeze. Upper 70's. A few puffy clouds floating along in the sky. It was hard to stay inside and work. 

Here's what's on the frame today...

This is a BIG one
Each of those blocks, and each sashing strip has to be quilted separately. This may take a day or three since only two rows were completed yesterday despite my (un)willingness to stay inside and work.

This afternoon is going to be interrupted for a while since it's the annual flash and smash day. My appointment isn't until later in the day though so I'm going to try to crank before I have to head out. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Still Loading

Still loading today's quilt because I had to install new leaders that I purchased at the show on Friday. And, it needs frame ironing. And I need to piece a batt for it. I finished Linda M's quilt on Saturday and then started these two banners...

Getting ready for a season change
I'll need to finish the banners before I can piece the batting for the customer because it's larger than the 96" I get from the batt. It's always something isn't it? Off and running I go.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Show Goodies

Well, I did it. I think. Still trying to get the financing end of things worked out, but I purchased a second long arm. And another no-frills piecing machine. And Jim bought me a Critter Cutter for my birthday. DW got a new set of leaders sitting here waiting for me to put on. I purchased two new patterns for Caleb and Lia's new apartment, and we got to meet up with old and new friends and customers. We stopped by moms on our way through Gladwin and finally got home around 8:30. What. A. Day!

Linda's quilt is still on the frame, but we had errands to do this morning starting with getting the girls. From there it was off to Pieces to drop off brochures, run to the produce stand for tomatoes, pick up the new (used) snow blower, stop by the butcher to get chicken breasts, and then back home to unload said snow blower out of the back of the truck. It was well past lunch time when we got everything done. 

I'm just getting on the machine now but thought I better at least share the news about the new machine coming. 

Now I have to think of two new names for these machines. I think the Elna (this machine is exactly like my Janome 1600P but cuter) will be named Ellie, but the new long arm (a Bernini Q20 on a 10' Frame) still needs a name. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Annoying Hackers

Thank goodness Apple keeps up with all the potential hacking that goes on in cyberland. Another update to my computer this morning prevented me from blogging until now. That's okay though because the phone has been pretty busy this morning.

Here's what's on the frame today...

Linda M.'s long time finished top
This is getting a slight amount of custom done in those cute borders, but the main body of the quilt is getting E2E.

I had to starch the borders last night because they seem a little rippled. I got in what I could away from the starched areas, but that's as far as I got. 

Preparing for the AQS show tomorrow. I'm not exhibiting or anything, but we have to take the girls to daycare tonight (so we can get an early start out of here tomorrow morning), and I have quilts that I'm taking along to get picked up by other show goers. 

Customers coming today to pick up as well so the afternoon will be chunked up with that. I better get on this machine!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Covid Negative

I could not consciously go to Grand Rapids on Friday if I was positive for Covid. My test this morning was a definite negative so yay! Just a summer cold I probably got from the grandson on last Friday at the funeral.

Still working on Sue L.'s top. Here's some of the quilting going into it...

I love doing those fern feathers!
The main body of this quilt is a panel. The panel, like most, was not square. It appears I'm going to have to do some finagling when I get to that point given what I've seen on the last roll forward. 

Yesterday's weather started out beautiful. Later in the mid-afternoon, Jim came home with the left over power washer water to water the garden and we heard thunder. In the east it was black! Thinking it wouldn't hit us, he continued to water. He no sooner left and it down poured. And that was only thunderstorm number one. Number two came through a few hours later. 

I'll finish up Sues quilt today. I have a new customer coming late this afternoon (around 4:00) and it sounds like this quilt may be a time sensitive situation. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Missing Guild Today

I don't want to chance getting anybody sick so I'm skipping guild today/tonight. Most of us are heading to Grand Rapids later this week for the AQS show and I'd hate to bring bad health to the mix. It's better to be cautious in this situation.

Here's what's on the frame today...

Sue L's very "Floridian" looking top
Isn't it just so summer-y? We have a  quilting plan already in place, which makes my job a little easier. 

This is what was on the frame yesterday. Pics of the quilting weren't really showing a whole lot but I basically straight lined all the illusion pieces and stippled the black. 

Ila's Convex Illusions
A beautiful weather day today. Completely sunny and high 70's expected. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

A Little Under the Weather

I started out gangbusters yesterday, but noticed I was real thirsty. Like I was getting a sore throat. As the day progressed, I also became a little achy and lethargic. I took the rest of the afternoon and just hung out on the couch watching movies. I'm feeling a lot better today with only the sore throat hanging around. Maybe still a little fuzzy headed but I'm thinking a slight summer cold visited me. 

Here's some of the quilting detail in the table topper I quilted yesterday morning...

From Quilt Maker Sept./Oct.-22
I never did get to the bunting/banners. 😞

No pics of what's going on the frame today because mine is just being unloaded. But I think Ila's Convex Illusions is going on next. Her black batt came in over the weekend (which is what I was kind of waiting for) to get into hers (I ran out somewhere along the line).  

Oh...and I now have "real" bamboo. NOT the mixed bamboo/cotton/silk that's a little heavier, but the nice, drapey, snuggly bamboo. Did I mention batting prices have increased? I'm astounded how much all of our quilting things are increasing. Fabric, notions (my marks-be-gone pen has went up $2.00 each), needles, thread, and yes, batt. 

Yet, I haven't raised my prices?!?!?

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Web Site Back Up!

And it's a new site, so if you actually read my blog, enjoy the new web site experience. My new brochures were delivered last week as were a couple of new batts I ordered from Winline Textiles. I usually get all my batt from but they don't have the black or bamboo I was seeking for my customers. One of my fellow professional (and amazing long armers) recommended Winline (she ONLY gets her batt from here since she only uses bamboo). Now I'm all stocked up. 

But, like everything else, batting has started to increase in cost. Just a few pennies per inch, but still...

Ann V's Deer from Hell was finished yesterday afternoon. Here's some of the quilting that went into it...

Tight swirls to push the deer forward

After finishing Anns quilt I went through some treasures I purchased from a lady who is retiring from quilting. And, her husband was just given a 4-month living sentence; liver cancer. Once that was sorted (most of it is going to be donated), I finished the new table topper I started earlier this week and then got it on the frame for a quick quilt this morning. 
From the latest Quiltmaker Magazine
I say quick, but I'll probably over think the thing and it'll take me all day. I'm hoping to make my A-U-T-U-M-N banner/bunting for the studio this afternoon once the table topper is done. But I'm having a hard time finding my template for the letters to get attached to. UGH. And I always think I'm so organized. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Web Site Down for a Day or Two

While Ueni is receiving the information from NameCheap (my DNS) and Vista Prints is releasing my site, we wait for a few days for the [new] site to come back up. 

Tomorrow is funeral day so no blogging. We'll be in Traverse City most of the day and have kids/grandkids coming up tonight and possibly tomorrow night. 

Here's what's on the frame today...

Ann V.'s third top. She calls it the "Deer from Hell". I have to concur
It's an absolutely beautiful piece to look at actually. She did not find it very fun to make. I'm not finding it easy to quilt. There are a LOT of multiple seam junctures that DW is going to have kittens over when I push him through. The background is getting a simple swirl to bring the deer forward, but the actual paper piecing section is getting random lines trying to avoid those bulky seams. Wish me luck.

I have two customers coming today at noon for a pick up (and possible drop off?). The guy four doors to the south is dumping a massive amount of large rocks over his very steep hill and the beep, beep trucks are in full swing as is the noise from the rock leaving the truck bed. Not a quiet day around here today. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Same But Different

Here is the second Ann V. quilt I'm working on today...


Look familiar?
This one is getting different quilting in it than the first one. The first one received a LOT of tiny straight lines in all the color sections and intense feathering in the dark sections.

See all those tiny little lines?

Gorgeous day out there with the weather today and the lawn is looking wonderful after Jim trimmed and we both mowed last night so a beautiful setting to work in the studio on this very colorful top!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Typical Day at the Lake

A productive day yesterday! Here's what I have on the frame this morning...

Ann V.'s Kaffe wall hanging
This one is interesting in that she had already layered the back/batt with the top and had barely started quilting it. She's letting me finish this one and gave me another nearly identical one to do as well. I'll be working on these today.

Sues quilt was finished in the early evening and here's a little of the quilting that went into it... 

A lot of work, but so worth it!
I think it's a mowing day since we haven't mowed in over two weeks. It's been so dry nothing has really grown except the buckhorn. But we have had some recent rains that is causing the lawn to go a little bonkers now so my day will be cut short. 

Monday, August 8, 2022

Better Late

I've been meaning to blog most of the day; but got sidetracked doing something else. Like receiving a customer. Letting Jim do his training on the "big" computer where I blog. Cleaning and other chores. Oh, and working on this...

Isn't this just darling?

The creator of this quilt (Sue) has velcro sewn in so the animals can have different outfits put on them once the quilt is done...

Hmmm...what shall I wear today?
She didn't leave the outfits with me, but if you want to check this quilt out, it will be in the Quirky Quilters Quilt Show later this fall. 

I did finish the turtle yesterday and it was great to work on one of my own pieces, if even only for a few hours. Still chipping away on Sues quilt for the remainder of the afternoon/evening. 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Something of Mine?

I finished the quilt for Sandy yesterday. Here's some of the quilting that went into it... 

Making something a little pretty
Since it just so happened that I was able to complete this on a Friday afternoon, I was able to get something of my own onto the frame.

Another turtle shell
Jim and I had to run a plethora of errands this morning and when finally getting home we wolfed down a meal and are just getting started onto a normal day. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Going to the Beyond

Jim's cousin passed away two weeks ago. Jim's great aunt back in May. My brothers girlfriend had a daughter who hung herself on Tuesday. Jim's moms boyfriend just passed away this morning. With the way the world is turning out, they are probably all in a better place.

This is why I quilt. It's my passion and it's where I want to be ALL THE TIME! This is my "better place" until the next one is ready for me I guess. 

Nail appointment first thing this morning, had to do a little shopping, ran over the Pieces to pick up a backing and some insert fabric for the turtle sitting here waiting to get onto the frame. Now I'm home and have to finish chores before I get into this quilt...

One of the blocks
It looks to be a portion of the Stitchers Garden I've done two of, but not quite. I see some similar or same blocks from that quilt in it. I've already mapped out the first portion of the quilting so it should go rather fast. 

Meanwhile, Chris is coming to pick up her quilt this afternoon and it's a good day to stay in and long arm since it's supposed to be a hot one out there today. 

I received something in my email this morning from Quilted Joy (the place where I get all my thread). It's a color card with the colors arranged in numerical order and a sample of each color next to it. I printed this off and I'm going to stick them into plastic sleeves so I can dry-erase the ones I'm getting low on for reordering. Very convenient! 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Maybe Today?

Chris' quilt is still not finished. Maybe today it'll finally get off the frame. Yesterday morning was a wash. Bug guy, lightning storms, and getting things reorganized from the previous two days.  

The girls after doggie day care
After lunch, we had another round of storms pass through and I took the quiet dogs to an advantage and actually took a nap. I can't even remember when I took a nap last. But, like usual, I felt worse after waking up and slogged through the rest of yesterday afternoon/evening. 

I'm still a little groggy this morning, but much better than yesterday. Oh, to be 40 again!

Beautiful purple Coneflower with a friend
While I was waiting for the bug guy between storms, I was able to find out what kind of flower was growing in my "rustic" south fence garden. Back to the long arm I go and it's a beautiful sunny day out there to enjoy my time in the studio. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Unproductive Two Days

Monday was moving day. My brother wanted a pic of the kids in their new apartment. I sent him this to be a little bit of a smart aleck...

They've made it back home.
We spent all of Monday in East Lansing and Lansing visiting with the B's, unloading and unpacking the C's, and we never got back home until around 9:30. We were exhausted!

Yet, we had to unload the truck (there wasn't much), reload the truck with stuff for my trip to Pinconning for yesterdays Quilts for Kids show. I was vendor-ing and what I thought was going to be a pretty sedate day turned out to be go, go, go nearly all day long. 

And I thought I was tired after Mondays activities? Ha! I was a walking zombie when I went to bed last night. I got back home around 7:00, had to unload the truck despite my knee being swollen, my back screaming from standing on uneven ground all day, and my head screaming from not enough water and being "live" with customers educating, explaining, answering questions, and promoting my abilities. 

Needless to say, I slept in a little bit this morning only to be awaken by the thunderstorms rolling through. It was a sound sleep though. The quilts were hardly moved when I made my bed this morning. 

Orkin is here this morning to spray us and the neighbors so I have to deal with that before getting on the frame. And here Chris' quilt sits yet another day unfinished. 

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...