Saturday, January 14, 2023

Forgot to Blog this Morning

Because we were off and running first thing. First stop, the UPS store to get Mary's quilt on its way. We were supposed to do that last night, but we ended up at the Verizon store for a new phone for Jim. That took WAY longer than we anticipated.

Second stop was to Pieces of Thyme for a Dream Bigger panel for a quilt my brother commissioned me to make/quilt for his "step-daughters" wedding this coming summer. Once we got home it was nearly lunch time and then Jim went into the bathroom upstairs to continue laying flooring. I started on my "Call Me Crazy" paper pieced blocks. Week two came through and I hadn't even started week one yet. 

Here's what's on DW today...

Jill's granddaughters birthday quilt
This will be getting an edge-to-edge on Monday. I'm going to drive. DW is acting odd and I'd be more comfortable doing the driving this time around until he goes down this spring for his spa day.

Here's what's on Bernie today...
Terry's Wall Hanging for her husband
I've already started on this one. Did all the ditching and started putting in the word/motorcycle detail. 

Before I can load a quilt (which I spent most of yesterday doing), these things need to be done to the machines:

Cleaning all the gunk off the trolley rails

Changing and aligning the needles

Cleaning the gunk off the rail wheels
And I also dust the machines and the long arm beds. I also vacuum under and around the floor of the machines. I feel like people often think you just throw the layers on the machine and then go. There's a lot more to quilting than just you can see. 

Oh, and my long arm log is up to date. In 10 years I've quilted over three million square inches of quilts. 

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