Monday, January 9, 2023

Not All Play

The retreat I attend at the end of the holiday season is a time for me to relax, laugh, enjoy fellowship with folks who quilt, and to get some piecing in; since I don't really get to do much otherwise. But, like last year, I was also "working". I had four (or five?) tops added to the quilting queue. So, not all of it was play time but a little work time too.

Here are the four quilts I was able to get bound...



No explanation needed

Fun for summer time

I started another top, but then lost interest after putting the blocks together. And, I forgot to cut the setting triangles anyway so I'll finish that at the February retreat. I made this baby quilt.... 

All flannels

I also started a new puff quilt. I love making these. Honestly I do. A lot of people want to make one and after their first, don't pursue making any more...

Some of the "raviolis" lined up waiting to go
Here's where I was at before we had to pack up and say goodbye to everybody...

So pretty!
Actually, now that I look at this pic, that's not true. This was Saturday night. When I came in Sunday I placed the rest of the indigo and violet blocks in and then started filling the first three columns.'s going to have to wait until February also.

Now that the holidays (for us anyway) are officially over, it's back to our regularly scheduled programming. I'm excited to get back on the big machines, but will have to offload the Amish with a Twist of mine first. I have customer tops piling up and my personal quilting time is over. I even had a customer call me while at retreat about where her quilt was. So, back at it. 

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