Sunday, January 22, 2023

Small Project Sunday

I have three small-ish projects to do today. Normally, Sunday afternoon is lay around time, but we did that most of yesterday afternoon, so I've already got that covered. Today's projects include some binding, Call Me Crazy block #3, and another Farm Girl Vintage 2 block. 

I started on the Farm Girl Vintage 2 last night. Here's the pumpkin block I made...

Farm Girl Vintage 2...1st block

The pic is making it look a lot darker than it really is for some reason. Probably because it's very overcast and snowing this morning.

After we did lay around time, and before I dug into the FGV2, I put Terry's quilt on my iPad and started doodling in Sketches. I needed to find a cohesive way to move throughout the quilt without breaking a bunch of thread and to find motifs that I thought would work in the quilt. This provides me with a plan for Monday morning and I'm not struggling (and wasting work time) to get something that looks great. 

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