Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Happy 1st Birthday Lucy

Lucy turns one today! I can't believe she's already that old. She's still a [small] puppy to us but time marches on.

Here's what's on DW today...

Not the same, but it is the same
Paulette did two duplicate tops. Well, same pattern, different fabric placement. This is number two. Number one was finished yesterday. 

Here's Terry's quilt all done and drying...

I love/hate Harley's. I love their muscle, their looks, they're made in the U.S. But I don't like their noise. I'm super sensitive to loud noises and most Harley's are very (very) loud. 

Bernie isn't reloaded yet. I'm debating on what needs to go on next because I had seven quilts come in on the same day and I'm deciding who needs channel locks/larger throat and who I can be a little more free with. 

Meanwhile, my 1:00 just postponed and so I'm free all day to play, which is good because it's rather gloomy out there. 

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Applique Sunday

I started building my first Yoder Sister yesterday after picking out the next quilt to head onto Foster. This is sister number two... Turnin...