Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Little Bit of This and That

The DeGroot Christmas is actually this coming Friday. Yesterday seemed like just another Sunday where we go visit mom, eat something and catch up with each other. We did celebrate Jim's belated birthday and he opened a few gifts for that. 

Mom identified that we didn't get a Christmas this morning and gave a few little gifts to us. But the weather was not Christmas-like and the empty tree here just cemented the non-Christmas feeling. 

So, this week holiday preparations will be happening; making cookies, a gingerbread house, wrapping gifts, and cleaning since the kids/grandkids will be up Friday. I'll still get some quilting in there though. And, since yesterday (and the day before) were just "normal" days for us, I played in the [old] studio a bit. These are ready to start assembling...

Metro Rings
This will be my first attempt at a full-size wedding ring-type of quilt. Should be interesting since precise curves are fairly new to me. 

Mom is supposed to stop by today to drop off her first load of gifts, and while I am officially closed this week, I'm going to check the phone in case anybody wants to drop something off next week. Squeaking in big machine time will definitely be in there because I can't go that long without actually working. 😉

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...