Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Windy and Repeat

It's pretty windy here this morning. Not enough to keep me off the machines, but the furnace seems to be getting a workout. 

Here's some of the quilting that went into yesterdays quilt on DW...

ProStitcher hard at work
Once that was completed, it was immediately removed from the machine so the next backing could get loaded and frame ironed.

While the quilt on DW was stitching out I was working on Bernie and completed about 1/3 of Virginias wooly snowmen. I'll mix that one with the one now on DW over the next few days. Oh, here's what's on DW this morning...
Kathy's Flea Market
Yep, another Flea Market. I love these quilts. I don't have to think about much while working on them anymore because I've done so many already. And while they are the same, each one gets a little different quilting put into it. 

Jim worked in the [new] studio last night and it was a typical Monday kind of situation. He felt a little defeated when he came in indicating things did not go well and replacement pieces need to be purchased. We all have those days don't we? 

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