Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Uh Oh

Worked on both DW and Bernie yesterday. I'm at about the 1/3 mark on Kathy's quilt on DW...


Isn't this texture AWESOME?
After working on her quilt for about six hours I moved over to Virginia's quilt on Bernie. I'm about 2/3's done there. 

Some of the texture in Virginia's quilt
And then I took the second to the last roll, and ummm...

This isn't right
I'm going to have to give her a call and see what I'm supposed to do with this. 

Meanwhile, while I was working on Bernie, Jim was out in the studio finishing the drywall on the south wall, getting the last pieces in the roof to tie in the insulation we got last weekend, and working on the bathroom...

Getting the bathroom dry walled

South end is drywall finished
Jim has Friday scheduled for an off day, so I think he wants to take advantage of natural lighting instead of trying to do this by one work light. 

Mom just texted me and she's on her way over so I may not get much done today on the quilts. I do have to call Virginia first thing about that shorted backing though before I get tied up into other things. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...