Saturday, December 16, 2023

Running Errands

We have to take some particle board back, get groceries, and run to dumb-dumb mart to get fusible. Here's what's on DW for this next week... 

Kathy's Tilda Lanterns
I really, really, really wanted to load this so the lanterns were running vertically. But the back is pieced and the seam needs to run parallel with the belly bar, so this is how the top needed to be loaded. Why did I want to run it vertically? All those lanterns get a 1/2"-spaced straight line in them. Running straight lines is easier going up and down rather than across. But, I'll deal with it.

Virginia's quilt is done, although still on the frame. I finished it later last night. Since we are out and about here shortly, it'll probably hang out until later today or even Monday (we're going to be gone all day tomorrow).

While I was working in the old studio, Jim was working in the new. Here's what he worked on last night...

Isn't that tongue and groove pretty? 
We've changed our mind so many times on how the east/west and south wall were going to be finished. We're leaving the south wall all into drywall. This gives me a blank canvas to hang quilts on. And the east/west walls are getting the cedar tongue and groove. He doesn't have enough cedar to complete the west wall so we'll price that while we're out and about. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...