Friday, December 15, 2023

RIP Luann!

The issue I have sometimes in my studio are interruptions. Quilting mojo if you will. Yesterday was a very unproductive quilting day. Customers in and out. Neighbors, appointments, and upsetting phone calls all interfering with my work day.

By the time I got home with my eyes dilated from the eye doctor, long arm quilting was not going to happen. Meaning, I still have this much to work on the Flea Market quilt... 

Still not finished
While I didn't feel safe working on customer things because the artistic side wasn't going to happen, the production side of me felt safe in cutting out fabric for my next project...

I love black, red, and grey quilts
The whole time I was "working" last night, I could not get Luann off my brain. Luann and I became acquainted about five years ago. Hazel was just a mere puppy and she said she'd watch her (she owned 2Canns Dog Kennel) while we went to our sons military graduation. We've been fast friends since because we both love dogs and we both quilt. 

Luann is no longer with us. After a year and a half battling cancer, the lord took her home two days ago. Now you see why my head wasn't really in the game even if my eyes had been working. I kept tearing up (which is very unusual for me as I view death as part of the life cycle) when thinking of her. I'll miss her dearly. 

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