Thursday, December 21, 2023

Chore Day

I was off and running first thing this morning cleaning bathrooms, dealing with trash, laundry, etc. I can finally do something fun.

Here's what's on DW for the unforeseeable future...

Take a Closer Look
There is no pattern for this quilt. Take a closer look at it! It's all about our great state of Michigan. I'll take pics as I add quilting into it, but Ann made this pattern up herself and it's a stunner!

Speaking of making up their own patterns, here's what is on Bernie for the unforeseeable future...

Vrooommm, vroom
A Harley Davidson quilt for her brother that was also a self-designed pattern. I have the most talented quilt makers right here in central and eastern Michigan. 

These two quilts will be done at leisure (to some degree). I'm basically on holiday from now until the new year. All the Christmas quilts have been completed and now I can slow down a bit and enjoy the process instead of cranking under pressure. 

While I was getting Anns quilt started last night, Jim ran to Mt. Pleasant to pick up the rest of the sub floor material and the door for the west end of the studio. Here's where he left off last night...

Getting the people door in
The handle and lock still need to be installed but it's starting to look pretty great! After long arming for the day I started making [stupid] HST's. Not my favorite. 256 are needed for the Stars and Shadows quilt top. If I would have even realized that this kit would not have come home with me. I'll trim these up while I'm talking on the phone. It's a quiet activity and makes it go faster.

Got some trimming to do!

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