Saturday, December 2, 2023

A Little Bit

I did get a little bit done yesterday. All these cute wall hangings are ready for their recipients. Namely, our grandkids. 

Ready for wrapping
I had an issue with the ties on the side. The wall hanging wanted to curl inwards or flare at the corners if pulled a different way. 

While I was not sleeping two nights ago, I came up with a solution to make a knot on the corner to alleviate the bad situation. Problem solved. Projects complete. 

I have a customer coming this morning (from far, far away) to come and pick up her quilt and then Jim and I are off to fetch our Christmas tree. Before Julie gets here though, Helen Godden has posted up her 2023 Christmas Quilt-Along pattern and I'll be getting that prepped and ready. 

No work on the big machines yesterday. Still a little light headed and not feeling 100% yet. 

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