Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween

Didn't do a whole lot in the studio yesterday. Here's what's on DW this morning...

Sandy's quilt for her granddaughter
This is getting an E2E with musical (somethings) in there. I have to find what I want to put into it. It's a rather large top (95x95) so this will take some time to complete. While DW is stitching this out, I plan on working on Diana's top over on Bernie.

Feeds were coming in hot and heavy last night about Houston, which officially starts today. The Island Batiks booth is where the quilt I quilted is being displayed, and here's the catalog cover that goes with it...

UPS was already here this morning delivering batting and I'm not expecting anybody else today, which means I should be pretty productive. Hopefully. 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Small Project Sunday

I started my small project(s) on Saturday. I needed to get something to lift up the clamps on Bernie. I find that most of my customers are (and I'm assuming because of cost) shorting me on the widths of their backing. I remember from a video I was 'watching' this week on how to solve this problem... 

Problem solved!
A couple of dollars at Meijer and with the help of my wonderful husband, we made these. 

My next project isn't really all that small but more like being done in small-ish chunks. I need to make a database with all of the quilting motifs available in my ProStitcher. I found an app out there for such a need and started entering those in, to include a pic of each one. 

I bought the new book pattern/kit at Pieces on Friday, pulled out most of the Halloween fabric, and started pulling from my stash instead to substitute. I don't have the desire to make an entire Halloween book quilt. 

At that point the Michigan/Michigan State game was on, I was tired (not entirely sure why) and decided to couch potato the rest of the night looking through more videos on small projects for today while Jim was watching the Spartans getting stomped. I think I found one I'd like to do given the limited sewing machine access I have at the current time, but first I have to do some Sunday kitchen work. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022


It's funny how life gets in the way of things, isn't it? We had to do some grocery/supply shopping last night and didn't get home until almost 8:00. This morning we leisurely got around (the dogs were very cooperative) and then headed into town for more items we didn't get last night. 

And then last night I couldn't take it any more. I ordered the red snappers for Bernie...

Red Snappers are on order
For those non-long arm folks, red snappers make loading a quilt way less time consuming and, in my case, way less dangerous. The pokes I received while loading Diana's backing still hurt and the one is in between my fingers which is constantly getting irritated. 

While Jim is out grooming Hazel, I'll be long arming this afternoon since I didn't work this morning. 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Houston, Baby!

Still working on Janice's top on DW. Diana's top is the actual first quilt I've worked on Bernie. We started last night (man he quilts like a dream). So here's what's on Bernie today... 

Diana's beautiful wooly wall hanging
Linda McGibbon, from Lakeview Quilting, designs quilt patterns and generally does her own quilting. She has had me do a few custom pieces in the past to include this one...

Going to Houston
This is being featured on the cover of the Timeless Treasures catalog and it is also going to Houston. This exact quilt! Linda obviously made it, but I quilted it for her and I'm so honored!!

Had a nail appointment today. Went to Pieces and found a cute kit with books on it to make for somebody (probably my dad) and have chores yet to do this morning before turning on the machines. 

The neighbors are getting the framing put in for their new deck and Lucy has determined, loudly, they don't belong there because before I left this morning, was barking up a storm. She hasn't discovered them since I've gotten home, and hopefully she won't. Her little bark is a bit nervy!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Read the Directions!

 So Janice's top had to be moved from Bernie to DW last night. So here's what's on DW today...

Notice the change of direction?
I didn't thoroughly read the work order directions when I loaded this on Bernie the night before. This requires some computer work in it and, obviously, Bernie doesn't have the robotics like DW has. 

Meanwhile...Bernie is bare right now. I had to raise the dead and take-up bars because I was getting some drag on the ruler base as I approached the dead bar. And...WHEN I get those darn Red Snappers for him, they wouldn't have been able to get under the dead bar at all. It was already too late to load something new last night so he's currently not sporting any attire. 

I have one customer pick up today and so far there isn't anything else scheduled. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Comfy Clothes

There's a certain type of clothes I like to wear when I'm working. I have to do a lot of bending, kneeling, standing on my head, crouching, stretching, and slithering behind machines. Wearing restrictive clothes gives me shorter patience and higher stress. Yesterday, after the customer(s) left, I immediately changed from my go-to-town attire to something more long arm conducive.

I'm not expecting anybody today (of course, I say that and then I get a call/text) therefore leggings, a nice heavy sweatshirt (weather has changed back to 'normal' fall weather) and my Ariat boots provides me with the work clothes of choice, though not as visually appealing, the dogs simply don't care. 

Here's what's on Bernie today...

Janice's Sensational Stars
Janices top is the first customer quilt to be worked on Bernie. Hurray!

Sue's top is still on DW and if I really buckle down and quit farting around here, I should (should, should) be able to get that finished today.

I was expecting only once customer visit yesterday and ended up having three. In the past two days I've received eight (yep, eight) new tops in for quilting. Let the holidays begin. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

New Crown

Had to pop into town first thing this morning to get my new crown. Feels kind of weird since the huge filling I had in there broke off a while ago and they had a hard time matching the exact structure. 

Here's what's on DW today...

Sue L's Outback quilt top
I have two customers coming today to drop off and I'll be working Sue's quilt in between. I'm still working on the cabin panel on Bernie, but should be able to finish that one up later this evening. 

I'm feeling very confident to be able to put customer quilts on after this one is finished. It took a while to acclimate to the different buttons and how the machine differs from the Fusion in performance, but what I'm creating meets my criteria and he sews like a dream. 

Another beautiful autumn day in store possibly allowing me to be able to open the studio windows again to enjoy the warmer weather. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022


I was in the truck yesterday for a little under 300 miles. Presque Isle is a haul from here and yet, I didn't really mind. I took the long(er) way up along the lakeshore of Huron and I was not disappointed in my journey. The colors were beyond words, especially in the morning with the sun reflecting off the lake waters shining up into the trees. 

Here's what's on Bernie this morning...

Something started last year
It's just a cute camping panel with more detail at the bottom. It was started at the long arm event I went to down in Cleveland about a year ago. 

Tina's quilt is still on DW and here is some of the quilting detail going into it...

LOVE doing woodgrain
I was cruising along pretty well and then I received a call from a customer who wanted to come over and drop off a quilt top. She was here for a while and shortly after she left, Christine and Larry came up from the Lansing area to fetch the t-shirt quilt I did earlier this week. The afternoon was pretty much shot for DW work. 

I moved to Bernie and finished the Angela Walters quilt-along panel...

I love doing feathers!
Now all I have to do is find some binding for it. Despite the heavy thread work in here, it's still pretty pliable because I put wool batting into it. Had this had a few other kinds of batt, I think it would probably stand up in the corner by itself. 

We have a beautiful fall day in store for us today. Jim has some outside chores he wants to tackle (transplanting bushes and trees) and I may be able to open the house (and studio) windows to enjoy our Indian summer. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Another Rush

I had two quilts dropped off last night (around 7:15-ish Jim said) and one needs to be done asap. It's for Bittersweet Quilt Shop in Pinconning. It's a holiday quilt and of course, needs to be displayed for the holiday quilt makers. 

Having said that, here's what's on DW today...

Holiday Critters
She is specific on what she wants in some of the areas, and not so much in the others. Bernie is still sporting the Angela Walters Quilt-Along quilt. I had to turn it last night because I didn't want to chunk the side grey border areas...
Some of the quilting and those grey borders
I had a customer come and drop off during the afternoon hours (my normal business hours), and I have another coming today to pick up. 

A previous customer of mine, who has since acquired a Bernina long arm, just like mine only with the robotics attached, wants me to come up and give a long arm lesson. So, I'll be heading out early tomorrow morning to Presque Isle so no blogging either. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Catalpa Tree

The girls have a [Northern] Catalpa tree that shades the SE portion of their pen. With all the high winds the past two days, it's dropped several large, green leaves into their pen. A perfect shredding activity for them. But they are poisonous to dogs and for the past two days, have found the results of such in the back room when letting the girls out for the day. Needless to say, I'm already behind.

Here's what's on DW today...

A T-Shirt/Memory Top from Haslett, Michigan
This was driven up here last week while I was at retreat. It looks pretty straight forward except for all those fun 3-D items in there. That's going to make things interesting when trying to get it on the take-up bar as it will then tension irregularly. This may cause some issues further down the line. 

The other situation I'm dealing with in this piece is the backing is pretty short on the sides (only two inches extra) and the thread I'm being given to use on both the top and bobbin is pretty hefty thread (40wt), so I'm going to rip through bobbins like crazy; more tie-offs and grumbling on my part. job is never boring that's for sure!

Here's what's on Bernie today...

Wait...we've seen this before on DW
This is an Angela Walters quilt-along I started a year or so ago. All these partially finished quilted pieces are getting finished so I'm going to play on this for the next day or three. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

First Snow

While I was working on Janes quilt yesterday morning, that familiar unwelcome (to some) white stuff started floating past the studio windows. And then a little more started falling. Within an hour we had white ground. 

Three days after my birthday
Of course, it didn't stick around, but it was pretty for the little bit of time it was here.

Continuing on with Janes quilt today (seems like it's been on the frame forever) and it should be done. I was supposed to go to Oscoda for the QQQG meeting, but my grandson decided to share his cold with grandma and so I'm not feeling particularly well. Sore throat, stuff nose, headache. Bleh. I don't want to spread this around so I'm going to stay here. Plus, there's more snow in the forecast. 

I did get the charity quilt quilted before shutting down for the night. I'll get that off today and get another one loaded; if my energy stays with me (crossing my fingers here).

Monday, October 17, 2022

Nothing in the Studio?

Not a thing went on in the studio yesterday. I think we were still recovering from the kids/grandkids' visit. 

Back to some normalcy this week, with the exception of Tuesday. I'll be working on Jane's Dresdens and the charity quilt going to Rayola. It's gloomy, rainy, and a little noisy. The neighbors are having a deck put in at the beach and they have brought in equipment to dig holes, move sand, etc. 

Hannah and Lucy bonding

Jim and two of his "boys". 
This is why I wasn't in the studio this weekend. Ah...the sacrifices we make. 😊

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my birthday. We had some grocery shopping to do and when we arrived back home, the kids/grandkids were already here. Let the fun begin. 

I asked for a bathroom "remodel" for my birthday. I don't want a new vanity, new shower, new toilet. Just new plumbing and shower controller so that the dumb thing would quit dripping...constantly. The plumbing in the house was copper. 

Jim has pretty much changed out all the downstairs. All he had left to do was that upstairs bathroom. Ben and Jim are working on that right now. Meanwhile, we are without water and Lucy decided to roll in raccoon poop this morning while we were in the pumpkin patch. She's outside until she can get a shower. 

Here's what's on Bernie this morning...

A charity quilt
I was able to get this top basted in and started the first row until the grandkids decided they were done with the activity they were doing and needed grandma's attention.

We were trying to get pics of the girls together yesterday so I could change my FB profile. Here's a few of them, but I'm still going to try to get some better ones. 

Too dark

Lucy wasn't going to cooperate
The kids are planning on leaving later today, so maybe I'll get to work on the charity quilt some more tomorrow a little bit. I want to have it quilted by Monday so I can take it to sew-in on Tuesday. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Back From Retreat

I'm all back home. I'm all unpacked. Everything is put away in its rightful place. Here's what I was working on when we were packing this morning to head out...

These blocks go together rather quickly
I bought a jelly roll for a needle quilt top pattern I found, but only needed eight pieces. I found a partially used jelly roll here at the house and ended up using that instead. That left me with a newly purchased jelly roll to use in something else. This is what I found to make; it's a MSQC pattern using a search of "Jelly Roll" quilts. 

Needle top waiting to get on the frame and the Witches are bound
The needle pattern (above) was found at Pieces of Thyme and will look great with some straight-line quilting. It's going to have to stand in line though. I was able to bind four quilts (the three I did on Bernie and the Witches), blanket stitched an appliqué piece here waiting for one of the machines that have been put away, and the Rayola quilt top is put together. Etheyl brought me backing for the Rayola top and I'll get that on the frame here shortly. 

I had a t-shirt quilt dropped off Tuesday night while I was gone that will be put on DW as soon as I can get Janes done. 

The Witches still need some work done to them. I don't like how they are puffing up so the capes need some more quilting. The faces are lifting and so are the ends of the scarves, which tells me they need some tiny blanket stitches put into them. I'll work on them some more on Tuesday at sit-and-sew up in Oscoda. 

Meanwhile. I have work to do. Time to quit goofing off. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Quiet Weekend Start

For a Friday night last night, the lake was pretty quiet. We were supposed to have Octoberfest today, but everybody bagged and had other plans come in throughout the week. Jim is on-call so we can't wander too far away should we decide to roam the roads since nobody is here.

But in all honesty, I need to stay and work this weekend IF I'm going to the retreat Mon-Thurs this upcoming week. The B's called Thursday night and said they would be here next weekend for a visit, so that'll shoot much of my next weeks quilting. So I think we need to stay around and I just need to long arm.

Here's some of the quilting detail going into Janes quilt...

Lots of thread and lots of meticulous work!
I'm expecting a customer sometime today. She didn't really give me a specific time she'd be here so I'm kind of tied down until she decides to head this way and pick up her quilt. So I'll just continue doing what I love with the fall sunshine filtering through the studio windows.

Oh, and yesterday. Linda was here to pick up her quilt (and drop off another), when somebody else showed up out of the blue. They thought I was a quilt shop and two ladies with their husbands decided to road trip around the area doing their own shop hop. They came in and despite my not being a quilt shop, stayed quite a while chatting with Linda and I. It's always nice meeting new people.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Colors are Beautiful

I love making quilts with lots of color. Maybe that's why autumn is my favorite time of the year; all the colors making nature almost magical while traveling to appointments and Pieces of Thyme quilt shop.  

Here's what's on DW today...

Jane B.'s retro Dresden Plates
Actually, I'm told recently, these aren't Dresdens at all. These are actually called Chrysanthemums. Dresdens are rounded at the point area rather than pointed like these are. But, like cotton swabs are all referred to as Q-tips, I think this angular in the round type of quilt is just referred to generically as Dresden's.

The bikini ladies are coming along. Hopefully they'll be done before Monday so I can take them to retreat and get them bound. I picked up binding for the last four quilts I've quilted this morning.

My Cotton Cuts BOM came in the mail a few days ago and I worked on those last night and am all caught up. I received the Build-a-Quilt invitation a few days ago from Angela Walters, and I'm so tempted. I love doing her blocks and her color ways offered this go around are hard to choose from. 

I ended up having three customer visits yesterday. I have another later this afternoon, and then another tomorrow sometime. I better get busy since I was messing around on the roads this morning already and yesterday set me a little behind where I wanted to be into the weekend. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Two at Once

While DW was stitching out the Harry Potter edge-to-edge, I was working on the bikini ladies with Bernie. Talk about cool!

The first set of tattoos
I finished the Harry Potter quilt and then loaded this late in the afternoon...

Ann V.'s paper pieced deer
I have all the ditching done and the borders quilted, now I just have to decide what to put behind that deer in the blue area. 

I finished the sewing machine cover for Ellie...

New sewing machine cover for the Elna EF1
After working outside for a bit on the deck screws (we have to tighten them down a couple of times a year), I came back in, made some new mini canvas side leaders for DW and Bernie both (the only set I had was falling apart)  and worked some more on the bikini ladies while Jim was putting up cider-as well as other things around the neighborhood. 

I have a customer coming shortly to pick up and drop off both, and that's all I'm expecting so far today. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Last Kayak Trip

I took my last kayak trip last night. It was so peaceful. The colors are changing in the trees lining the lake, the wind was virtually nil, and wildlife scooting from place to place as they make their trek south were constant companions during the ride. I didn't dare venture too far as the shot(s) I received for my temporary crown were starting to wear off. 

I did manage to get a few tops loaded onto DW/Bernie. Here's what DW is wearing today...

A Harry Potter quilt for Debbie M.'s Granddaughter
I have to locate a Harry Potter themed E2E for the center. I've started the piano keys in the border and did so while frame ironing the backing for what Bernie is wearing today...
The bikini girls
This is one of my tops and while the C's and us were down with Covid in 2020, Lia, my DIL, sketched some tattoos onto some of the girls. I'll incorporate those with thread once I get there. I have a feeling this one will be on the machine for a while. 

Bug guy coming sometime today. I have to open the neighbors' house up for him once he decides to show as both houses get the same day treatment. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Appointment Week

It's funny how life goes isn't it? Some weeks I have nothing outside the house in the way of appointments. This week, well, that's another story. Dentist later today (to deal with that filling I lost last month), bug guy tomorrow, nails on Friday. Interruptions, but necessary nonetheless. 

Joni's quilt was finished yesterday. It's still on the frame drying with mark(s) removal. 

A little of the quilting detail
The panels were also taken off of Bernie last night. Today I'm unloading Joni's quilt, and loading one on each of the long arms. Not sure who/what is up making it a surprise for tomorrows post. 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Sunday = Funday

It's funny that when I don't quilt on DW first, Bernie is a lot easier to handle. I think I'm used to DW's bulk and resistance and then hop over to a machine that is half the weight and has very little drag. 

The 9-Patch is off of Bernie now and my panels are on...

The panels for Ellies cover
I've straight lined two of the panels, continuous curved with an echo on one and I'll probably just straight line the next two. The odd ball one is going to be in the front, wanting to do something a little "fancier" in that one. 

I'll be working on Joni's quilt most of the day since I didn't work at all on Saturday. I may be finished with it by the end of the day????

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Small Project Sunday

I actually started the small project yesterday while Jim was watching MSU lose (again). I have all the "base" pieces put together for Ellie's new cover, but now they have to be quilted. And both machines are tied up at the moment. 

I could just straight-line the pieces together, which I may end up doing, but that machine is put away. And even if I did get it out, I don't have a table to work on with it. Hmmm??? This may be a retreat thing I end up finishing there. Which is a week from tomorrow. 

After piecing together the bases for Ellie, I moved over to Bernie and got another row in. Here are a few of the blocks...

I love quilt-alongs. They take forever, but now that I have two machines to long arm on, it's pretty fun doing this with people around the world. 

I'm going to work on this some more today (no customer quilting on Sunday) and see if I can get it done. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

First Time in Two Weeks

Other than a quick trip to the local DG, I haven't been off the property in two weeks. Jim and I have to go and fetch some groceries. It's bad when the last box of cereal, oatmeal, or can of soup has been eaten. 

Here's some of the quilting going into the 9-Patch...

Funky Flower

Some cool stars
I worked on Joni's quilt most of yesterday. I'm not even half-way through as it's becoming more work than I had originally thought. 

I plan on making a new sewing machine cover for Ellie later today while Jim is hollering at the game on TV. I also plan on chipping away more on this 9-Patch. I feel like I'm just about ready to put customer quilts onto Bernie, but I'm still having some control problems with free motion. Bernie is so much lighter than DW and it's hard to rein myself in. 

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...