Saturday, October 15, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my birthday. We had some grocery shopping to do and when we arrived back home, the kids/grandkids were already here. Let the fun begin. 

I asked for a bathroom "remodel" for my birthday. I don't want a new vanity, new shower, new toilet. Just new plumbing and shower controller so that the dumb thing would quit dripping...constantly. The plumbing in the house was copper. 

Jim has pretty much changed out all the downstairs. All he had left to do was that upstairs bathroom. Ben and Jim are working on that right now. Meanwhile, we are without water and Lucy decided to roll in raccoon poop this morning while we were in the pumpkin patch. She's outside until she can get a shower. 

Here's what's on Bernie this morning...

A charity quilt
I was able to get this top basted in and started the first row until the grandkids decided they were done with the activity they were doing and needed grandma's attention.

We were trying to get pics of the girls together yesterday so I could change my FB profile. Here's a few of them, but I'm still going to try to get some better ones. 

Too dark

Lucy wasn't going to cooperate
The kids are planning on leaving later today, so maybe I'll get to work on the charity quilt some more tomorrow a little bit. I want to have it quilted by Monday so I can take it to sew-in on Tuesday. 

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