Saturday, October 22, 2022


I was in the truck yesterday for a little under 300 miles. Presque Isle is a haul from here and yet, I didn't really mind. I took the long(er) way up along the lakeshore of Huron and I was not disappointed in my journey. The colors were beyond words, especially in the morning with the sun reflecting off the lake waters shining up into the trees. 

Here's what's on Bernie this morning...

Something started last year
It's just a cute camping panel with more detail at the bottom. It was started at the long arm event I went to down in Cleveland about a year ago. 

Tina's quilt is still on DW and here is some of the quilting detail going into it...

LOVE doing woodgrain
I was cruising along pretty well and then I received a call from a customer who wanted to come over and drop off a quilt top. She was here for a while and shortly after she left, Christine and Larry came up from the Lansing area to fetch the t-shirt quilt I did earlier this week. The afternoon was pretty much shot for DW work. 

I moved to Bernie and finished the Angela Walters quilt-along panel...

I love doing feathers!
Now all I have to do is find some binding for it. Despite the heavy thread work in here, it's still pretty pliable because I put wool batting into it. Had this had a few other kinds of batt, I think it would probably stand up in the corner by itself. 

We have a beautiful fall day in store for us today. Jim has some outside chores he wants to tackle (transplanting bushes and trees) and I may be able to open the house (and studio) windows to enjoy our Indian summer. 

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