Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Bad News

So Jim's mom is being admitted to Palliative care effective immediately. He spent most of yesterday in Traverse City with her. We'll probably make another trip up on Sunday. When Jim contacted the boys about the bad news, my eldest commented, "Death is the winner each and every time." It makes you take stock in what you're doing today and it's a reminder we should NOT take each day for granted. Do what you want to do. Do what makes you happy. Because in the end, that's all that matters.

Having said that, I'll continue to stay in my studio. That's my passion. That's my happy place. That's where I can watch nature (despite the weather...which is currently back to winter mode with all the snow we've gotten this morning), I can hear construction, the children's laughter, the dogs happily barking, the smell of campfire smoke or a bacon breakfast. It's lake life with quilting thrown in for an extra happy measure. 

I finished long arming the Dream Bigger yesterday! Fist pump! Here's what's on DW this morning...

This pattern is called Gypsy Wife by Jen Kingwell
I've done one of Jen's patterns before and loved working on it. She makes traditional blocks in weird settings and they turn out beautiful. This one, unfortunately, is not mine but a customers. I may have to rethink calling her when it's completed. 😉

I did get a little quilting in on Bernie yesterday afternoon while frame ironing the backing for the quilt above. I was stumbling over the BOM on the table so shut Bernie down to finish my next two blocks before all my little pieces were in places they shouldn't be. 

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Why Some...

long armers don't long arm anymore.  Notice anything out of sorts? And the backing is too short I called Sue to ask her if I could trim ...