Friday, March 17, 2023

Happy St. Patty's Day

Don't forget to wear your green. MSU is playing their first game in the "dance" today so I'm already good on the green front.

Lynette's quilt is done! I was able to piece the remaining rows together for the quilt-along and here it is "on" Bernie.

The quilt-along top
This top is not actually loaded, because yesterday, while I was at Pieces, forgot to pick up a backing. UGH! So, after Pat & friend leave later this afternoon, I'll buzz over there, again, to grab something so I can load for the weekend. 

After Jim re-seeded the girls' pen last night, he started back in on pulling stitches from the downstate t-shirt quilt. I trimmed up the bonus HST's from the quilt-along top and then moved over to DW to start working on Bunny's quilt. Here's what's going in it...

Something simple per the customer
I'm going to work this most of the morning and see how far I can get on it. I have to make some rice and some brownies first, but then I'll get right on the machine.

Cloudy, somewhat rainy, and a very windy day today. A good day to enjoy the studio with some soothing music. 

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