Thursday, January 4, 2024

More Construction

Okay, so Anns quilt is nearly done. The basic stuff is in but I feel like I need to get some more quilting in a few places. Meaning, it's still on the frame. I didn't come out of the studio until 8:30 last night. Whew!

Wasn't expecting any customers yesterday, but then one texted and asked if she could come yesterday instead of today to drop off backing for a top I've been holding for her. Just as she was leaving the HVAC guy showed up to do a site prep for today.

First thing, while I was placing a batting and thread order this morning, here they are. Two of them to work on our heating in the new studio. Once we get heat we can start mudding the drywall. And that was another contractor who stopped by in the afternoon to see about doing the drywall mudding. He didn't seem very excited about the cathedral ceiling and has a bad back. Next guy. 

Getting the heater in today
Once Anns quilt is done this morning I'll shift over to working on Bernadettes quilt that's been hanging out on Bernie until either a)The batting arrives for Linda's quilt or b)The thread arrives for Joans. Either quilt has to be done rather timely and so whoever gets supplies first wins the first slot! 

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