Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Retreat Week

I forgot to mention in the previous couple of days' posts that retreat starts tomorrow. It's just up at The Springs, but long arming doesn't occur when I'm up there. I'll be back on Monday in full long arm mode.

I love going to retreats, but it takes me away from the big machines for long periods of time, and I really miss the guys when I'm away from them. Isn't that silly? But I am noticing my attitude lately and need to readjust my head with fellow quilters. Maybe it's lack of sunshine, but I've been blue and kind of down and not feeling the best. This should fix things. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Mary's quilt...

Loving all the feathers and a sprinkle of modern
I'm going to continue on with that today and see how far I can get. Later tonight I need to start packing for retreat but will pull stuff out I normally forget as the day progresses. 

DW was loaded with his next project...

Another Flea Market
This one is done in the primitive color way, which I've only done one other one of. And it's not a huge one. This will be tackled once I return next week. 

After long arming yesterday, and while Jim was working on his truck in the garage, I put the last border on the Mary, Mary top.

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary...
Once again, the pic doesn't show the color saturation very well. It's a little brighter than what is being depicted here. I'll have many more completed tops to show after retreat. I'm thinking I have at least four I'm going to be working on during the next five days and look forward to adding to my pile. 😉

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