Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Snowy Morning

Winter seems to have finally arrived. At least by all the snow coming down anyway. But the temps are right at the freezing mark so I'm not sure how much of this is going to actually cover anything. 

Today I'm planning on finishing Bernadettes quilt despite the batting having arrived yesterday. As well as the thread for Joans quilt. It was a busy delivery day since they came via two different delivery service ways.

I did get Linda's quilt basted in and started...

Can you even see what I put in here?
At any case, I was just getting into my zen mode and I got a call from a customer to see if she could bring over a top before the storm hit today. Sure. That turned into an over an hour affair and by that time I had lost my quilting mojo. 

Mark, the drywaller, was here another almost six hours yesterday and he's still not through "roughing" in the room. This may take longer than we thought, but I think he's through the worst of it. 

So yesterday I had two deliveries, a customer stop by, a contractor working, and Jim came home for lunch. I wonder why I didn't get more done? Today should be quiet. With the storm I'm not expecting anybody, including the contractor, and that means productivity. Yay!

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