Yep, Friday is missing from my title because there was very little happening in here yesterday.
I have customers/family members ask how I manage to get any of my own stuff done with all the work I have here to do for customers. The answer: One of my super powers is time management. Jim said I should have been a line cook or something needing multi-tasking capabilities. Well, what do you think quilting is?
While a backing is being frame ironed, I fill in those spaces with thread selection, batt cutting, and, my own projects. Helen Godden has provided a cute Partridge in a Pear Tree wall hanging art thing to do this season, and while I'm a few days behind in what she's doing on YouTube, I can catch up easily enough once I get the painting done. But I's what's on the frame this morning...
Terry's simple, yet elegant very large top |
She wants to stick with simplicity in the quilting and mentioned chevrons, so I'll work with my notes and see what happens.
Here's the Helen Godden art piece thing started.
A partridge in a pear tree |
I'll be working Terry's quilt all day since Jim is working today too. And tomorrow is another "mom" day. The woman is becoming stir crazy (she is used to running the roads constantly) so we'll take her out for some of the day to help ease her up.
And as long as yesterday was a bust, I scooted over to Pieces to check out their new digs. WOW!!!!!!!!!! So much room, so warm yet open, so many things they have that I didn't know they had at the little shop. They'll be getting even more of my money now and that's okay because I love the new place and the girls running it!