Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Spooky Day

I IG'd this morning about the bummer of working from home; nobody gets to see your costume.

Nearly done with Tina's quilt. I started making mistakes and knew at around 6:00 it would probably be better to call it a night on the long arm. I had to rip stitches twice and that was enough of an indicator.

Here's  a little of the progress so far...

She wanted the snowmen to pop out. Do they?
All that's left to do on this little piece is get those borders done. I'll move over to Martha's quilt later after getting those in this morning. 

Meanwhile, another inspection is expected today. Jim said to just stay in the house and not worry about being out there with the guy. Okay. I can do that. 

I cut 18 more sections of the cowboy boots after getting off the long arm while Jim was finishing up "inspector" stuff. All the furring strips are up. The tape is on. The gable end is tied in. The bathroom is going to have to wait since the plumber can't get here for another six weeks. Isn't building fun? 

Monday, October 30, 2023

As October is Closing Down

We usually get some type of frozen precipitation on or before my birthday. That was two weeks ago. Last night we finally got a little snow. Not enough to stick, but enough to make things wet. 

Working on Tina's quilt this morning to start. Depending on how far along I get with it I may move over to Martha's quilt later this afternoon/evening. 

Yesterday morning I started pulling and cutting fabrics for some cowboy boot blocks...

Some of the lights
I'm not sticking with any type of theme here. Just using up some scraps and purging the dresser at the same time. It's a scrap quilt and that's the way I intend to do this piece.

Meanwhile, it'll be interesting to see how Bernie sizes up with me today since Jim made all those leveling/height adjustments for me. It can't be much worse. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

I'm A Girl...I Can Change My Mind

It's like we have a license to change our minds about something. Take the new studio for instance. We were going to tear out the window in the spare bedroom and use it for the new bathroom. But that would require a repair of the bedroom wall and removal of construction materials in the new bathroom. I've decided to just leave it in there. 

Yesterday I had every intent to unload Janice's Flamingo and load Tina's Snowman quilt to make sure I got it done in a timely manner. After I blogged and thought about it, decided to just work Janices quilt anyway since I knew I wouldn't get Tina's done in a day. It doesn't need to be done yesterday, but before her Christmas open house in a few weeks. 

Here's some of the quilting that went into Janices Flamingo...

Feathers in the Flamingo
Now Bernie is sporting the snowman while I'll chip away at tomorrow and however long it takes me to get this quilted...
This is so stinking cute!
And quilting on Bernie wasn't the only quilting I did. While frame ironing the backing for Tina's quilt, I was stitching out the five blocks in Martha's quilt with the Pro Stitcher, and while that was stitching out, I was taking apart Avery's turtle to begin fixing it. 

When everything was said and done, the turtle was fixed, the Snowman is already ditched and ready to be quilted, and Martha's quilt is nearly ready to advance once I get in the oak leaf border on each side. We worked late and didn't come in until around 8:00 last night. Jim just about has the furring strips completed and we're hoping to get the second wrap around the building before Tyvek Tapping the seams. 

But Jim is working on this for me this morning before I even get started in there...

Lowering and re-leveling Bernie
The machine fluctuates in level-ness as the seasons change. And I've noticed some shoulder pain lately having to reach across to take advantage of his throat space. And, I'm shrinking. I've lost about an inch over the last two years, so Jim lowered the machine for me a notch. Now he's level with DW. Should make work much easier! Thank you my wonderful man!

Saturday, October 28, 2023


I have a turtle I made for my nail techs daughter. After a few years and plenty of floor miles, it's in need of repair so I get to reverse stitch on the poor thing to get it fixed. And, I'm reversing on Bernie. This is what he's currently wearing...

Janice's Flamingo
But this is being taken off this morning. I had a super rush come in late last night and have to get that loaded and ready for me to quilt first thing Monday morning. Or, maybe I'll just work all day today and part of tomorrow and just get it done before having to load tomorrow night for Sunday. 

It's a HUGE waste of time taking quilts off to load a different quilt. In that time I would have lost about two hours of quilting time, and honestly don't think this wall hanging is going to take longer than about eight hours. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Martha's quilt...

Autumn Slendor
Just some Oak leaves to enhance the fall theme on this quilt. Keeping it loose since it's so big and I assume she'll be using it instead of just hanging it. 

Jims working today too. Need to pay for that studio out there somehow. 

Friday, October 27, 2023


It seems like the favors are flying all over the place in our lives right now. Too many to list here but isn't always nice to do somebody a favor? I love to help people!

The Paula quilt is nearly done. As predicted, that last border had to be severely starched and as much as I doused it, it still wasn't dry when I came out of the studio at nearly 8:00. I did get everything else done except that last border so yay there.

After some of the shrinking occurred

I'll move over to DW later this morning and start on Martha's quilt now that the black batting is here once I get Paula's quilt finished. 

Another gloomy day but the temps are relatively warm (near 70 expected) for this time of year. Jim thinks his table saw has departed us for it won't even turn on. Favor number #100...can we borrow your table saw Mr. Neighbor? so not much was completed in the [new] studio last night.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Right One

Black batting showed up yesterday late in the afternoon. Like, after Jim came home from work for the day. 

No matters, I have to get the one on Bernie done quickly because I have a rush coming in from Bittersweet later this evening. 

Here's some of the quilting (if you can even see it) on Paulas Log Cabin quilt...

Using Black and White Thread
Obviously, the thread is melting into this top even in the black border. 

Speaking of which, we may have an issue later on today with that bottom row/border...
It's a little rippled down there
I'm trying to ease this in as I get further along but there's only so much I can do with that. 

Jim worked on furring strips again last night and he almost has the whole east end done. While he was doing that and while I was trying to rest my shoulders a little bit I decided to make a few more cowboy boots while talking with Caleb who called on his way home from campus. 

I have to remember to vary the fabrics a little better.
I may just cut a bunch of pieces for these and make as many as I can while I'm in Shipshe in two weeks. I have so many scraps laying around here and these are so versatile. And cute as all heck. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Wrong One

I had two rolls of batting ordered through my supplier and of course, the one I'm in desperate need of, was not the one to arrive yesterday. So, on to more Bernie work I go.

I finished the Tilda Cats for Debby and even loaded and finished her pillow top...

Pillow Top
That only took a little over an hour and then started frame ironing the next one for today. 

I'm finding myself listening to podcasts/YouTube videos in the afternoon while I'm quilting and found one very interesting yesterday, so I had to try it. It's a cowboy boot block and with me being a "retired" horse person, was very intrigued by it and seemingly how easy it went together via the demonstration. 

Between rolls I pulled some scrap fabric and tried a few boots of my own. What do ya think?
Howdy Pardner
I like them. In fact, I think I'm in love. What a great way to use up some scraps and have fun in the process! These may head to Shipshewana with me. Hmmm??? But I had to get away from my newest obsession and work on the puff/biscuit quilt some more before getting too deep into something new. 

While I was trimming/billing/loading/sewing Jim was out working on blowing some of our leaves out of the yard and then heading into the new studio to start getting the furring strips up so we can hang ceiling drywall. 

Lots of steps when doing construction
It seems like this project is kind of at a lull. I know there are a myriad of steps involved in construction, though I had no idea it was this many. 

Well, here's what finally was loaded onto Bernie last night since DW is still waiting for batting...

Paula's black and white log cabin
I'm in love with this quilt. But I love black and whites anyway. I have a few ideas on how I want to quilt this but will settle on what goes in once I turn on the machine and start getting into it a little further. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

No Snow

Well, as usual, the weatherman was incorrect. We never received any snow yesterday; just rain.

Here's some quilting detail of what's going into the Tilda Cats for Debby... 

Wool gives so much texture!
This piece is taking way longer than I expected it to. It's not that big of a quilt, but there are a LOT of starts and stops in here and a lot of ditch work. Ditch work is very (very) time consuming. I'll continue on with this today on Bernie.

Here's what's on DW until further notice...
Martha's Fall Splendor
Once again, the pics don't do the color justice. I say it's on DW until further notice because I'm waiting for the black batting I ordered to arrive. Hopefully it won't be too long but my supplier is having trouble keeping the Dream battings in stock. Probably because they're the best. 

We had a very hard rain last night and it was our very first hard [storm] rain since we've put the roof on. Where the roof meets the slope of the existing soffit on the east end we had some leakage. Just a small amount, but that has to be addressed and pronto!

More rain this morning and then it's supposed to get a little warm (70's) for a few hours late this afternoon. We'll see how much the weatherman lies this time. Either way, it's good quilting weather. And how about this view?

What a view!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Not So Small Project Sunday

Saturday was spent working on customer quilts all day so nothing "personal" going on in there. But Sunday, while I was milling around trying to figure out what small project I could tackle, I stumbled upon this unfinished quilt.

Unfinished Puff/Biscuit quilt
This was made at retreat back in January and February up at The Springs. It's been hanging out in the closet since then and thought maybe some unfinished projects needed finishing before any new ones were started. 

I made and attached the backing to it, birthed it and am now tying each of the intersections. A great way to use up all the cross stitch floss hanging around here. Four rows were tied and I'll continue each night to chip away at it.

Carla's Flea Market is quilted (all while UofM was kicking MSU's behind) but still needs trimming. The Tilda quilt on Bernie will be worked today while frame ironing on DW for the next one up on him. And, I checked the weather this morning finding a little surprise in store for us later today; SNOW! 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Video Attempts

I would like to start running some videos on the usual streaming apps: YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. It's not to promote me or even my business, but to share my love of long arm quilting with the world. I've seen hundreds of comments over the years from people who are shut-ins or don't have the financial means to purchase a long arm and are fascinated in watching long arming videos. The videos are pretty cathartic.

But the only means with which I have to video right now is my phone. I currently have no way to attach it to the handlebars of my machine and honestly, feel like anything in my workspace would be detrimental to my productivity. 

Here's a long distance video of me working yesterday and this is about as good as it's going to get until I can obtain a GoPro which can be attached to the side/bottom of the machine and won't obstruct my work space area. 

Meanwhile, I'll be working all day today. Jim is working too and he's on-call anyway so why not work, right? It's another overcast autumn day and once I get the chili done and simmering, I'll be in the studio. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Taking in the Views

We ran to get groceries last night and before we left there was a little daylight still left. The colors were spectacular in our travels. I don't think I remember a year where I've seen so many orange leaves. 

I promised to show how the quilting was going for one of the quilts I was working on so here's a little coming from the Flea Market quilt...

Pebbling for the background
Here's the view I'm fortunate to look at right now while working...
Pictures don't do it justice
I have a nail appointment this morning, a customer coming right after to drop off, and then I'll be able to actually start throwing down thread. 

I'm working tomorrow, have a webinar to attend at noon and Jim is working tomorrow as well but happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful autumn weekend. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023


I think our autumn colors are just about at peak right now. It's beautiful looking through the studio windows and will be a nice background for my full days work ahead. Here's what's on DW this morning...

Number 11
Yep, this is the 11th Flea Market I've put on the frame, yet I need to call the customer to clarify and get permission for some quilting I want to put in. 

Here's what's on Bernie today...

Tilda Cats
I love these Tilda prints! And when they're quilted, they just pop.

Here's some more detail of what went into the Tilda Snowmen yesterday...

See what I mean about texture?
I haven't given an update in a while on [new] studio work. Here's Jim getting up the drip edge, facia, and soffits last night...
Getting up the rest of the roof work
Sorry about the crappy pic, but the Lady Asian Beetles (referred around here as Bean Bugs) came out in the "warm" weather yesterday. I didn't want to open the door too many times lest they come inside where they are not welcome. 

The Flea Market and Tilda Cats are going to take a few days to complete but I'll try to get pics of the quilting as I progress. Meanwhile, it's overcast and kind of rainy which means excellent long arm weather. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Phone Calls

I would probably be done with Bernadettes two tops had the phone and inspectors not disrupted the flow of long arming.  I love to talk to people and that's part of the problem. I get on the phone and just start yammering. 

And then we had two inspectors show yesterday; the rough construction inspector, which gave us a list of things to do and then the electrical inspector. He green tagged us and we're good to go there. 

I've already been on the machine today because I was waiting for an update to finish on the Mac. Here's some of the quilting going into the snowmen...

Different background
The background in the picture from the pattern designer shows a heavily checkered pattern with dense matchstick fill. That's how I did the quilt for the shop example for Bittersweet Quilt Shop. But Bernadette wanted something a little more loose. This is what we decided on.

I'll continue with this lap quilt/wall hanging this morning and then move over to the pillow top after that's done. More to keep what I did in my head and continue on with the same pattern than anything else. And, I'll be frame ironing the next backing on DW while I'm doing all of that.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Peat and Repeat

I have Bernadettes Tilda Snowmen on Bernie right now. It's a pillow top. And now I have her actual quilt on DW...

More Snowmen
I was interrupted this morning with the building inspector. Apparently we have a lot of loose ends to tie up out there. 

At any case, there's nothing I can do about that right now so I continue to work in the current studio on beautiful quilt tops. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Lost Power

Yesterday, while working on cutting out BOM pieces, we lost electricity. Now the computer has to re-embed the cookies and it's acting sluggish. The perils of living out in the country. 

These are what I'm cutting the pieces out for...

And I see a mistake. Do you see it?
I'll have to fix that tonight I guess.

Meanwhile, on the long arming front now that we're back to our regularly scheduled programming, this is what DW's wearing today...

Bernadettes hunting panel quilt
I get to have fun with this one. I'm already planning on what I'm doing in it and have all the threads selected.

Here's what Bernie is wearing this week...

This is the pillow topper
She has the quilt to go with it but I thought I'd start here.

So I have an already busy week lined up and that's okay. Fall is settling in and it's the perfect weather to be inside looking at all the spectacular colors around the lake and listening to all the geese flying in to rest for the day. 

Friday, October 13, 2023


...our retreat is officially over at The Springs, I'm still taking today off since tomorrow is my birthday. And, I'm kind of fibbing, because I'll be in the studio, on the long arm(s), putting thread down. But, I'm not answering the work phone.  

Here's how the 'Tis the Season... turned out after getting the chenille on and washing it...

Snuggly with a capital S
Can't wait to get under this for the holidays. Even the back looks pretty cool...
Love what Cuddle does to the back!
I'm hoping to finish Donna's quilt today on Bernie and then I'll move over to DW while I'm frame ironing Bernadettes next quilt going onto Bernie. And...maybe some other stuff. 😇

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Before Retreating Today...

...I thought I would share the accomplishments so far. The the first day I got the borders on Twirly quilt (forgot to snag a pic) and started to sew down the Chenille-it onto the second top...

Cute, huh?
This became a rather daunting process as I was using the regular pressor foot on Ellie. I switched to the free motion foot and was having even more issues with that. I put that aside and started working on 100 blocks. 

100 Blocks in 100 Days

Day two the top was done.

Day three I started right in on the H-E-L-L-O wall hanging and finished it minus the binding...

Going to hang in the new studio
After getting that done and after having a quick visit with Jim, I started in on the Farm Girl Vintage II top...

Everybody loved the piggy
That went together relatively quickly and so moved back over to the 'Tis the Season top and fought again with the application of the chenille-it. But I'm going to persevere today and get it all attached! If time permits, I'll make and bind the HELLO wall hanging and call that one finished.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Glad I'm Not Going to be Here Today

The electrician, who wasn't supposed to be here until 8:00, pulled in at 7:40. First we couldn't get him here and now he comes way early. Shoot, I'd just gotten out of the shower and dressed. 

And Jim took today off work. 

So those two will be gabbing and working all day and I'm sure, at one point, we're going to lose power since he's tying into the main panel today. 

Found some more things to pack for retreat including my second machine. Gotta finish eating breakfast and then I'm off for the week. 😉

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Readying for Retreat

So excited to be able to attend the Quirky Quilters Quilt Guild retreat starting first thing tomorrow morning! 

Dropping off a few quilts at retreat
The first two piles on the right are customer quilts I'm dropping off while attending the retreat. The rest is the beginning of my stuff I'm taking. 

I want to get "Twirly" (Radiant Suns) bordered out so I have to make some extra blocks to do that. 

Cutting for more blocks
I need sixteen more blocks (or thereabouts) to make and then cut for the borders. That alone should entertain me for about a day. 

One of the projects I had on my list to take I'm not taking. It's the intense BOM from Pieces I'm only month five into and it requires a lot of concentration on my part. I have way more other things I can do to amuse myself. 

I slept in today taking advantage of the fact I won't get to for another five days. The electrician will be here tomorrow even before I take off. And, he'll be here again on Tuesday in the same fashion....promptly at 8:00. Somehow I'm going to have to convince my body to go to sleep earlier. Yeah, right!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Lots to do Today

First and foremost is getting Lois' quilt finished before anything else happens. DW was being troublesome yesterday so I fought with him most of the afternoon and early evening. Everything I would try wouldn't solve the problem. The last thing I tried last night seemed to result in a better stitch quality and I'm hoping I finally stumbled upon the fix. 

Here's one block in her quilt...

Each center is quilted differently
After Lois' quilt is done this morning, Jim and I have to head out to do errands. I have to pick up a top/backing at Pieces from a customer, we have to get groceries and other building things. Once we get home and wolf down some lunch, I have to start packing for retreat.

There are a number of things I need to do on stuff before I take them along so I'll get all that completed. The nice thing about retreating at The Springs is I only need to take a few things each day and can bring them home later that night and not have to clutter up my work space there. 

While I'm doing all that, I'll be frame ironing the backing for the next quilt to get onto DW and eventually (before I leave) load the top and batting. Happy Saturday!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Mice and Chipmunks

Well, it's that time of year again. Critters are trying to find a place warm to hang out during the winter months. I found acorns in the new studio and knew we had a culprit. The dogs found a chipmunk in the downspout and last night we got a mouse in the trap. 

Meanwhile, here's what's on DW today...

Lois' second quilt top
I fear this one is going to take longer to quilt than yesterdays. It's a bit smaller but there's more ruler work involved. And...every center of every square is going to have something different in it. 

Here's some of the quilting in yesterday's Chopsticks quilt...

Simple and clean
I have two customers coming over today. One to pick up and another to drop off. That too takes time away from the quilting process so I think it's safe to say I'll be working tomorrow all day. Which I kind of knew already but hoped I could beat the odds.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Off To The Races

I have two quilts that I want to get done before leaving for retreat on Monday. Did I mention I'd be closed all next week? 

When I take time off like this I have to work through the weekend, so logistically, this is my Tuesday. 

A fellow guild member, who will be at the retreat the same time I'm going to be there, wishes to take her two quilts south with her in November. So, I'm aiming to get these done before Monday. Which is kinda hard since I've still not fully loaded the first one. 

Here's what's on DW today...

Lois's first quilt. Chopsticks by Jaybird Quilts
I've made one of these but in Christmas colors. I know how I'm going to quilt it, but it's a lot of straight lines and ruler work, so that always takes some time. And look at all those thread changes! Seven so far that I pulled last night while frame ironing the backing.

Here are a few that were done on DW yesterday...

This is going to be one snuggly quilt when it's done
I'm going to chenille all the design elements in this at retreat.

Blank canvas
And, once again, I quilt my appliqué backgrounds before I actually do the appliqué itself. This is for a little pattern Misty Doan did on her YouTube channel about a year ago when she first started it. 

What I ended up putting in here.
It's funny how, in my head, I know what I want to put in, but then after over thinking things and analyzing the use/future work that needs to be done, I change my mind literally as I'm putting the first stitch into the piece. In my head, this was going to be continuous curves in the border and pebbles in the background. See how that changed?

The electrician rescheduled for Monday so I'm free for electric shut-offs which was an imminent threat today. He got called to Standish Hospital because their panel took a poop. I guess it's taking longer than expected. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Doing the Unusual

In the past two years I've rarely take time to quilt/piece for myself during the week. I usually only get a Sunday morning or on rare occasions, a Saturday afternoon. Today, I have to prepare for a retreat I'm attending next week starting Monday and the pieces that need to be quilted still need borders attached.

I'm going to take time this morning and actually piece/sew something for just me. Later this afternoon I'll get them on the long arm and when our electricity comes back (if we lose it today) I'll quilt them up tonight. 

Meanwhile, this came off DW late yesterday afternoon...

Letting it loose from the frame
I need to contact her because after I trimmed and billed, it was well after 4:00.

The electrician is starting work after lunch today and he'll be here through Friday wiring up the new studio. Here's a pic of what we did last night...

Framed in the bathroom
The wall in the foreground had to be removed. Jim installed that last weekend but he felt it wasn't right so he pulled it back off the wall, took it apart and started over. We also were able to attach and prepare the doorway into the powder room with a pocket door assembly. 

While all that was going on, I was able to chalk out the location of the machines and where the dedicated plugs and the floor plug needed to be placed for the electrician today. We also cleaned everything up and got stuff out of Nicks way so he didn't have many obstacles to deal with while running wire. Isn't construction fun? 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Doors and Windows

Some of you may not know the story about how DW got his name, but it involved Doors (D) and Windows (W). It's funny because we're kind of at that same point in the new addition. We have the windows, but there's a special something-or-another we need before we can get them in. And doors...OMG! When did those get so expensive?

We decided we measured incorrectly and have to make revisions to the little bathroom we're putting in as far as the door goes. Instead of a regular swinging door, or even a barn door, (it won't work; the hardware sticks out too far), we are going with a pocket door instead. We picked up that frame last night.

Tonight we have to clean out the new studio to give the electrician plenty of free room to work. At $80/hr. I don't want to give him any more obstacles to deal with than necessary. 

Last night when I let the girls out for their last potty, I noticed a reflection of the moon on the "lake". Here's a great pic I snagged!

"Two" moons
This pic opportunity only happens about twice a year, if even that often. It has to be a super clear sky, with no wind, and the moon has to be in the right position over the lake. Yeah, rare opportunity!

Meanwhile, on the quilting front, Louises quilt should be done today. Only the four borders left to go. I'll shift over to Donna's last quilt while I'm frame ironing the next one to head onto DW. I also have some borders to get on things (long story) before I appliqué/chenille them before quilt retreat. 

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention quilt retreat. Which is very much overdue. I have a retreat I'll be at ALL next week. I need this time with other like minded people. I've been working so hard here at the house and I need to get away for a little bit. I'll be home every night (it's down the road at The Springs), but not available during business hours. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Hey, It's Been A Few Days

And there's a reason it's been a few days. Nothing has happened in the old studio except for some planning/cutting for a new wall hanging for the new studio. Like I need another wall hanging, right?

Friday, during the day I worked on Louises quilt and then from there on in, I was out digging dirt. And helping gopher for Jim when needed. But we have shown a large bit of progress for our efforts! 

See the Arrow?
Jim was able to get the soffit facia up and the rake (where the arrow is) trimmed out on top of the facia. Since he doesn't like heights (at all) we call this a HUGE win for completion. The actual soffit material needs to be inserted into the channels and then we can call that overhang done.

Meanwhile, in-between running for supplies and moving the scaffolding, Jim would take the buggy and dump my shoveled dirt. The "buggy" is actually a UTV we inherited from my mom when she sold the farm downstate. It's pretty old, but that's Jims legs, and our workhorse around the place. The buggy has hauled wood, brush, bricks, blocks, rocks, sand, building supplies, and of late, lots and lots of fill dirt. 

Here's our second accomplishment from the weekends efforts...

This was Friday night
See the shovel handle height in how high this pile was to start? And, it had extended to where the foreground starts at one point in this building undertaking. 

Late Sunday morning. GONE!
We need to get some seed and grass clippings into this area soon as it will become the girls' new permanent pen. But tonight we need to start preparing for the electrician who will be coming on Wednesday. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'll be working on Louises quilt most all of today. I'm getting near the end, but my arm is very (very) sore from all the shoveling so I'm kind of working in slow mo at least until it doesn't feel like spaghetti. 

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...