And there's a reason it's been a few days. Nothing has happened in the old studio except for some planning/cutting for a new wall hanging for the new studio. Like I need another wall hanging, right?
Friday, during the day I worked on Louises quilt and then from there on in, I was out digging dirt. And helping gopher for Jim when needed. But we have shown a large bit of progress for our efforts!
See the Arrow? |
Jim was able to get the soffit facia up and the rake (where the arrow is) trimmed out on top of the facia. Since he doesn't like heights (at all) we call this a HUGE win for completion. The actual soffit material needs to be inserted into the channels and then we can call that overhang done.
Meanwhile, in-between running for supplies and moving the scaffolding, Jim would take the buggy and dump my shoveled dirt. The "buggy" is actually a UTV we inherited from my mom when she sold the farm downstate. It's pretty old, but that's Jims legs, and our workhorse around the place. The buggy has hauled wood, brush, bricks, blocks, rocks, sand, building supplies, and of late, lots and lots of fill dirt.
Here's our second accomplishment from the weekends efforts...
This was Friday night |
See the shovel handle height in how high this pile was to start? And, it had extended to where the foreground starts at one point in this building undertaking.
Late Sunday morning. GONE! |
We need to get some seed and grass clippings into this area soon as it will become the girls' new permanent pen. But tonight we need to start preparing for the electrician who will be coming on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'll be working on Louises quilt most all of today. I'm getting near the end, but my arm is very (very) sore from all the shoveling so I'm kind of working in slow mo at least until it doesn't feel like spaghetti.