Thursday, October 12, 2023

Before Retreating Today...

...I thought I would share the accomplishments so far. The the first day I got the borders on Twirly quilt (forgot to snag a pic) and started to sew down the Chenille-it onto the second top...

Cute, huh?
This became a rather daunting process as I was using the regular pressor foot on Ellie. I switched to the free motion foot and was having even more issues with that. I put that aside and started working on 100 blocks. 

100 Blocks in 100 Days

Day two the top was done.

Day three I started right in on the H-E-L-L-O wall hanging and finished it minus the binding...

Going to hang in the new studio
After getting that done and after having a quick visit with Jim, I started in on the Farm Girl Vintage II top...

Everybody loved the piggy
That went together relatively quickly and so moved back over to the 'Tis the Season top and fought again with the application of the chenille-it. But I'm going to persevere today and get it all attached! If time permits, I'll make and bind the HELLO wall hanging and call that one finished.

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...