Sunday, October 29, 2023

I'm A Girl...I Can Change My Mind

It's like we have a license to change our minds about something. Take the new studio for instance. We were going to tear out the window in the spare bedroom and use it for the new bathroom. But that would require a repair of the bedroom wall and removal of construction materials in the new bathroom. I've decided to just leave it in there. 

Yesterday I had every intent to unload Janice's Flamingo and load Tina's Snowman quilt to make sure I got it done in a timely manner. After I blogged and thought about it, decided to just work Janices quilt anyway since I knew I wouldn't get Tina's done in a day. It doesn't need to be done yesterday, but before her Christmas open house in a few weeks. 

Here's some of the quilting that went into Janices Flamingo...

Feathers in the Flamingo
Now Bernie is sporting the snowman while I'll chip away at tomorrow and however long it takes me to get this quilted...
This is so stinking cute!
And quilting on Bernie wasn't the only quilting I did. While frame ironing the backing for Tina's quilt, I was stitching out the five blocks in Martha's quilt with the Pro Stitcher, and while that was stitching out, I was taking apart Avery's turtle to begin fixing it. 

When everything was said and done, the turtle was fixed, the Snowman is already ditched and ready to be quilted, and Martha's quilt is nearly ready to advance once I get in the oak leaf border on each side. We worked late and didn't come in until around 8:00 last night. Jim just about has the furring strips completed and we're hoping to get the second wrap around the building before Tyvek Tapping the seams. 

But Jim is working on this for me this morning before I even get started in there...

Lowering and re-leveling Bernie
The machine fluctuates in level-ness as the seasons change. And I've noticed some shoulder pain lately having to reach across to take advantage of his throat space. And, I'm shrinking. I've lost about an inch over the last two years, so Jim lowered the machine for me a notch. Now he's level with DW. Should make work much easier! Thank you my wonderful man!

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...