Monday, October 16, 2023

Lost Power

Yesterday, while working on cutting out BOM pieces, we lost electricity. Now the computer has to re-embed the cookies and it's acting sluggish. The perils of living out in the country. 

These are what I'm cutting the pieces out for...

And I see a mistake. Do you see it?
I'll have to fix that tonight I guess.

Meanwhile, on the long arming front now that we're back to our regularly scheduled programming, this is what DW's wearing today...

Bernadettes hunting panel quilt
I get to have fun with this one. I'm already planning on what I'm doing in it and have all the threads selected.

Here's what Bernie is wearing this week...

This is the pillow topper
She has the quilt to go with it but I thought I'd start here.

So I have an already busy week lined up and that's okay. Fall is settling in and it's the perfect weather to be inside looking at all the spectacular colors around the lake and listening to all the geese flying in to rest for the day. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...