Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Phone Calls

I would probably be done with Bernadettes two tops had the phone and inspectors not disrupted the flow of long arming.  I love to talk to people and that's part of the problem. I get on the phone and just start yammering. 

And then we had two inspectors show yesterday; the rough construction inspector, which gave us a list of things to do and then the electrical inspector. He green tagged us and we're good to go there. 

I've already been on the machine today because I was waiting for an update to finish on the Mac. Here's some of the quilting going into the snowmen...

Different background
The background in the picture from the pattern designer shows a heavily checkered pattern with dense matchstick fill. That's how I did the quilt for the shop example for Bittersweet Quilt Shop. But Bernadette wanted something a little more loose. This is what we decided on.

I'll continue with this lap quilt/wall hanging this morning and then move over to the pillow top after that's done. More to keep what I did in my head and continue on with the same pattern than anything else. And, I'll be frame ironing the next backing on DW while I'm doing all of that.

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...