Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Right One

Black batting showed up yesterday late in the afternoon. Like, after Jim came home from work for the day. 

No matters, I have to get the one on Bernie done quickly because I have a rush coming in from Bittersweet later this evening. 

Here's some of the quilting (if you can even see it) on Paulas Log Cabin quilt...

Using Black and White Thread
Obviously, the thread is melting into this top even in the black border. 

Speaking of which, we may have an issue later on today with that bottom row/border...
It's a little rippled down there
I'm trying to ease this in as I get further along but there's only so much I can do with that. 

Jim worked on furring strips again last night and he almost has the whole east end done. While he was doing that and while I was trying to rest my shoulders a little bit I decided to make a few more cowboy boots while talking with Caleb who called on his way home from campus. 

I have to remember to vary the fabrics a little better.
I may just cut a bunch of pieces for these and make as many as I can while I'm in Shipshe in two weeks. I have so many scraps laying around here and these are so versatile. And cute as all heck. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...