Friday, October 27, 2023


It seems like the favors are flying all over the place in our lives right now. Too many to list here but isn't always nice to do somebody a favor? I love to help people!

The Paula quilt is nearly done. As predicted, that last border had to be severely starched and as much as I doused it, it still wasn't dry when I came out of the studio at nearly 8:00. I did get everything else done except that last border so yay there.

After some of the shrinking occurred

I'll move over to DW later this morning and start on Martha's quilt now that the black batting is here once I get Paula's quilt finished. 

Another gloomy day but the temps are relatively warm (near 70 expected) for this time of year. Jim thinks his table saw has departed us for it won't even turn on. Favor number #100...can we borrow your table saw Mr. Neighbor? so not much was completed in the [new] studio last night.

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...