Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Wrong One

I had two rolls of batting ordered through my supplier and of course, the one I'm in desperate need of, was not the one to arrive yesterday. So, on to more Bernie work I go.

I finished the Tilda Cats for Debby and even loaded and finished her pillow top...

Pillow Top
That only took a little over an hour and then started frame ironing the next one for today. 

I'm finding myself listening to podcasts/YouTube videos in the afternoon while I'm quilting and found one very interesting yesterday, so I had to try it. It's a cowboy boot block and with me being a "retired" horse person, was very intrigued by it and seemingly how easy it went together via the demonstration. 

Between rolls I pulled some scrap fabric and tried a few boots of my own. What do ya think?
Howdy Pardner
I like them. In fact, I think I'm in love. What a great way to use up some scraps and have fun in the process! These may head to Shipshewana with me. Hmmm??? But I had to get away from my newest obsession and work on the puff/biscuit quilt some more before getting too deep into something new. 

While I was trimming/billing/loading/sewing Jim was out working on blowing some of our leaves out of the yard and then heading into the new studio to start getting the furring strips up so we can hang ceiling drywall. 

Lots of steps when doing construction
It seems like this project is kind of at a lull. I know there are a myriad of steps involved in construction, though I had no idea it was this many. 

Well, here's what finally was loaded onto Bernie last night since DW is still waiting for batting...

Paula's black and white log cabin
I'm in love with this quilt. But I love black and whites anyway. I have a few ideas on how I want to quilt this but will settle on what goes in once I turn on the machine and start getting into it a little further. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...