Saturday, October 21, 2023

Video Attempts

I would like to start running some videos on the usual streaming apps: YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. It's not to promote me or even my business, but to share my love of long arm quilting with the world. I've seen hundreds of comments over the years from people who are shut-ins or don't have the financial means to purchase a long arm and are fascinated in watching long arming videos. The videos are pretty cathartic.

But the only means with which I have to video right now is my phone. I currently have no way to attach it to the handlebars of my machine and honestly, feel like anything in my workspace would be detrimental to my productivity. 

Here's a long distance video of me working yesterday and this is about as good as it's going to get until I can obtain a GoPro which can be attached to the side/bottom of the machine and won't obstruct my work space area. 

Meanwhile, I'll be working all day today. Jim is working too and he's on-call anyway so why not work, right? It's another overcast autumn day and once I get the chili done and simmering, I'll be in the studio. 

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