Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Doors and Windows

Some of you may not know the story about how DW got his name, but it involved Doors (D) and Windows (W). It's funny because we're kind of at that same point in the new addition. We have the windows, but there's a special something-or-another we need before we can get them in. And doors...OMG! When did those get so expensive?

We decided we measured incorrectly and have to make revisions to the little bathroom we're putting in as far as the door goes. Instead of a regular swinging door, or even a barn door, (it won't work; the hardware sticks out too far), we are going with a pocket door instead. We picked up that frame last night.

Tonight we have to clean out the new studio to give the electrician plenty of free room to work. At $80/hr. I don't want to give him any more obstacles to deal with than necessary. 

Last night when I let the girls out for their last potty, I noticed a reflection of the moon on the "lake". Here's a great pic I snagged!

"Two" moons
This pic opportunity only happens about twice a year, if even that often. It has to be a super clear sky, with no wind, and the moon has to be in the right position over the lake. Yeah, rare opportunity!

Meanwhile, on the quilting front, Louises quilt should be done today. Only the four borders left to go. I'll shift over to Donna's last quilt while I'm frame ironing the next one to head onto DW. I also have some borders to get on things (long story) before I appliqué/chenille them before quilt retreat. 

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention quilt retreat. Which is very much overdue. I have a retreat I'll be at ALL next week. I need this time with other like minded people. I've been working so hard here at the house and I need to get away for a little bit. I'll be home every night (it's down the road at The Springs), but not available during business hours. 

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