Wednesday, February 21, 2024

As Expected

Sun three days in a row in February is not normal. We are following the normal pattern in that it's back to cloudy today. 

Neighbors are expected up later, but this morning I'm hoping to get Boho Heart done. Not sure why it only took me one day to do the first half and now a day and a half to finish the second half. I felt like I was pretty productive yesterday?!

I got the ceiling done in the bathroom and we are done with all the major painting. Still have some trim around the adjoining door frame, and the doors themselves, but not until we get some consistent warmer weather. 

Bathroom painted
The spray foam insulation you see in the background will be covered with wood instead of drywall. Jim hasn't gotten to that yet.

But he has the windows all trimmed...

Looks better than the foam poking out
And he worked on the door frame as well last night. 

Boho Heart this morning and then I'll move on to Bernadettes 1st appliqué quilt on Bernie. And after removing Ginny's quilt, frame ironing the back of the next quilt on DW. Hopefully all of this will be done before the neighbors arrive. 

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