Thursday, February 29, 2024

Nesting Geese

It appears we have three of four sets of geese trying to make nests down by the lake. I checked to see how we would deter this behavior (because they often repeat year after year) and without purchasing a liquid repellent, it almost seems impossible since I can't be down there 24/7 to curb their behavior. I guess we'll have some little goslings in a few weeks.  

Meanwhile, still working on Donna's Dahlia quilt; not even half way yet. Had a few customers yesterday doing both pick up and drop offs. 

Here's the filler I'm putting in all the negative space...

Feather and Swirl filler
This is my sole focus today and we are expecting uninterrupted sunshine which will be nice to work by with the white on white. A little jazz playing in the background will round out this perfect day. 

Studio update: We laid more floor last night and we are a little over a third done. 

Love the sunshine!
Through those big windows we put in, the sun shining in is lovely. We would have continued on but 1) We were running out of daylight and doing flooring by candlelight is not advised and 2) We ran out of our first bucket of 700 screws. It's always one thing or another isn't it? 

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