Sunday, February 11, 2024

Regular Chores

Sunday is the day we catch up on chores around the house; watering plants, thoroughly vacuuming, hair cuts (if needed), etc. We have the third load of laundry in the washer right now and probably have one more to go. With all the thaw/mud we've been having, the girls are making sure to spread the dirt wealth.

Yesterday was very, very, productive. The whole studio (save for the bathroom) is painted. Jim has a few touch-ups to do on the ceiling, but the bulk is complete. 

I just had to have a  cathedral ceiling
Jim actually rolled up above where I'm at. This is one of the rare pics of me working since I'm usually behind the camera. 
And, nearly finished
I'm not sure why the pic is showing it as a light blue color. It's actually a gray leaning more towards the blue side. But I love the color nonetheless. However, and since we have so much left over, the T-1-11 needs to be repainted now. 

It was painted with a beige-gray, and it's fighting with the blue-gray. Not a problem because it didn't take that long to do the first time. But there's a bunch of stuff leaning up against it right now and until that's removed I can't tackle that project. 

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