Monday, December 5, 2022

Holiday Moving

We have to do some moving around in here to get ready for the tree and other decorations accumulated the past 38 years. We found our tree yesterday afternoon and got it as far as into the house. Jim received a call out on a 'smells gas' so the rest had to wait until he got home. Once he returned the lights were put on but that's as far as he got. We'll finish decorating tonight. 

While he was working on outside chores yesterday morning, I colored my nutcracker and have him layered, sitting in-wait to be worked on...

Helen Godden's 2022 quilt-along piece
While he was out on his emergency call, I worked on the background for my new sewing tree pattern...
Doing it differently
All these appliqué directions say to first adhere the appliqué pieces to the background, stitch them down and THEN layer and quilt. I do it differently. 

I build the background (to include borders), mark the placements out with a Frixion pen and then quilt the background on the long arm. Afterwards I'll put the appliqué pieces down and THEN blanket stitch. 

It's like appli-quilting. The Yammy Cat and Pod Cats were done this same way. It works out better for the quilting end of things and the backing is double adhered down so gravity can't take its toll on the piece over time. 

Today, nothing (yep, you heard right) is on DW. My goal is to have the Gnomes done before anything else gets put on. I'm more likely to steer in the right direction if I'm not tempted in the other. 

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