Monday, December 12, 2022

A Weird Weekend

No quilting on Saturday (our neighbors were up and we had Christmas errands to do all morning), but I did quilt on Sunday...which is a no-no for me. But I had to make up some Saturday time and these holiday quilts aren't going to finish themselves. 

Once I got off the long arm for the morning, cooking ensued. I had to get ready for Jim's departure for this week. He's downstate working all week and he needed some food to take down with him. 

After he left yesterday afternoon I was kind of tired (not a good thing on those big machines), so decided to do something a little more sedate. Well, my Sunday Small Project turned out to take way longer than I had originally estimated. I came out of the studio around 10:00 last night. But it's finished. 

Isn't this cute?
My sewing Christmas tree. Speaking of trees, I did this little cutie on Friday. Mom was going to throw the wood tree away when she moved into her condo. Jim rescued it and I embellished the whole thing. All for under $7.00.
After getting the 'garland' on
I've since added an owl for the top of the tree, and a laying fawn at the base. 

Today is work-my-butt-off day. I'm expecting a few phone calls and maybe (??) one customer but other than that no other visitors expected. Meaning I can totally focus on work. Dogs willing. 

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...