Thursday, May 4, 2023

Block of the Months

Do you like BOM's? I do, but when they offer it as a "lump sum" situation, I prefer to take that option so I can work on them at my own pace. The Cotton Cuts BOM top, which was a true BOM without a lump sum option, is nearly together. I have one more set of borders to construct (there's a middle flying goose) and attach and it'll be complete. But here it is so far... 

Signoria from Cotton Cuts
By the time I get the borders attached it won't fit on the design wall, so thought I'd share it as it is now before it gets put into the "To Quilt" totes under Bernie. 

Let's talk about markings. When I make a mark on a quilt top, it's with air or water soluable products. Period. I do NOT use the heat removable products such as Frixion pens. They leave a very subtle waxy substance behind that never comes out, even after heated. I've proven this and seen it with my own use here in the studio. 

So here is Margery's quilt marked out for today...

Chalk and water removable pen
I did the marking for today last night after I finished (finally) Linda H.'s Kim Diehl quilt. It's still on the frame and I have to trim it yet, but the quilting is completed. 

So today I'll be loading another top onto Bernie and working on Margery's quilt while the Bernie back is being frame ironed. See a trend here? 

And let's talk about Bernie. He was purchased to do a few customer quilts here and there, but moreover, to get some of my own almost 50 tops done. But because I'm so busy, that's not working out like I had originally intended. So, I'm looking for a third machine.

I don't know how the studio is going to be reconfigured to accommodate this, but I've got about a year to work through it. I'm not going to stop making tops so something has to change here to make sure I continue to provide good service to customers, but not become frustrated at the growing pile of my own tops sitting down there just patiently waiting. 

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