Friday, May 5, 2023

The Balcony

Fisher Contracting is working on our dam (two hips and a hurray), and their work schedule seems a bit disconnected. Some days no noise is heard until later in the afternoon. Some days (like today) they start right in first thing in the morning. The noise is extremely loud today; maybe because the air is still and clean after last nights rain. But we're just in the balcony. I'd hate to be in the front row down river. 

I'm not complaining. At all! Just glad they're making progress. Still working on Margery's Carpenter Star today and this is what will follow on Bernie...

One of Jodie's last quilts
This top makes me sad. This is my customer who passed away earlier this winter from cancer. She was working on this one right up until she left the Earth. She had helpers since she was so weak; and it's an honor to be working on one of her last creations. 

Nails first thing this morning, then to Pieces to deliver Linda's quilt. And I'll have to get into any kind of mischief I can find to get into in a quilt shop. 😃

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