Friday, May 12, 2023

Business Hours

I have a business. It's small. It's cozy. It makes a tiny little profit. But, it's a business. And, with the business, I have regular business hours. Why do people think that just because it's out of my home, I don't have regular business hours? If I had a brick and mortar in town, business hours would be respected. Why the difference? 

Did you know I am an Integrated Sciences Major? I find the unknown fascinating and wonder about things I don't know the answer to rather interesting. Like, why are these guys falling out of my downspout?

What the heck?
June Bugs generally borrow into the ground. Their pre-adult stage is what we commonly know as grubs. The pupae stage if you will. Knowing that, why are they coming out of my downspout? This warrants further investigation. Which we'll do when that downspout gets moved later this summer. 

This is supposed to be about quilting isn't it? Okay, why did my bobbin case decide to either not tension at all or have just too tight tension? Jason had to fix this last year, but I have a couple of replacement bobbin cases in my inventory. Thankfully. Yesterday I had to switch those out on DW. But Martha's quilt is quilted. It's still on the frame and needs to be trimmed, but that was another 11+ hour day. Jim did end up solo mowing last night because I still had quite a bit to tackle. Onward ho.

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Everybody has to pay them. Taxes. Bleh! Jim and I ran and signed our prepared taxes last night before heading to Midland to get some groceri...